Parking On The Pavement

They can only clamp you if your car is on the highway, private property,they can’t do a thing, if your car is untaxed.

Precisely! That is a prime example.

Yes of course Pauline. The car that I saw was on the road.

I noticed that Number Plate - but I read it as BANGER :wink:
Looking at it again, I see it could read DANGER

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I’ve zoomed in on it and, yes you’re right, it seems to say ‘danger’. There seems to be a rivet cover in the middle of the D.

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I immediately read it as DANGER, but it did occur to me that it looked a little like BANGER too. But then I thought, honestly who would want the word BANGER on their car? :rofl:

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I thought it said Banger too.

Just as a matter of interest what is VED?

Vehicle Excise Duty. ‘Car tax’.
One thing we’re good at in this country is making up taxes!

Thanks, I presume that is the same as rego here (Registration) When I lived in the UK it was £25 for any car (less for motorbike or three wheeler).

I join Danny in noting that sidewalk parking is rarely an issue here.

However, parking on lawns or grass heats up from time-to-time:

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