Panasonic HC -VXF1 arrived

Yes it came today. First impression is how small and lightweight it is compared to my previous HC-X1500. . being this size will fit into a pocket easily. The menu setup is all done in screen with some extrnl buttons for various functions ie camera or camcorder. Yes it is also a camera. Also has IR but not as good a my Sony AX53. this can be overcome by additional kit
I did a quick garden video and the quality is the same as the 1500 version not surprising as it has the same “engine” and sensor, which is why I went for this model. Zoom amount is the same another reason why I went for this model

4Dislikes are no ND filters built in, having to touch the screen for set up functions, . Best done with a High Sensitive Stylus to save screen damage. Not got around to set up buttons for my liking yet so can’t comment about that. Charging up by plugging into camcorder socket not liked, much prefer seperated charger . So ordered a battery charger as it doesn’t come with one which is strange, and a couple of spare batteries. Some of the 1500 settings I will miss of course such as MOV but it does 4k video in MP4 so happy with that as wel as slow mo in other formats

To get the best out of it needs getting used to and what it can and can’t do, b
ut these are first impressions only hving it for a few hours this afternoon.

A common problem with this type of camcorder is there is a fold back cover over the cold shoe on top .As soom as an extrnl mocrophone is fitted the sound of this flap can be heard as it hits either the microphone or the cancorder.
So to combat this I removed the flap entirely a stored it away to refit if I sell the camcorder later on.
I had the same issue with the Sony AX53.
Seems like I am not the only one that has had this concern and done the same as myself and taken it right off

Gone and got rid of.

Back to the Panasonic HC-X1500 and so happy I have this model back, Strage checking on firnware uodate it shows version 1.7 yet looking on the interweb all it shows is 1.6 as the latest update :017:
O nice to have back the remote control feature without having to use a pad, so nice to be able to switch ND filter that are built in. So nice not to have a flappy cold shoe cover, Sso nice to have 2x SD card slots, so nice to be able to go into digital zoom via a button, so nice to change screen brightness via a button. Just a few of the features I missed