Panasonic G9 - going four thirds

this is a 2.5mm not 3.5mm OGF. and as I said not easy to find with 3 pole to 4 pole ends

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I apologise realspeed, they look like 3.5mm to meā€¦I didnā€™t think they did a four conductor plug at 2.5mmā€¦

yes they do as per photo but believe me it took some finding, Panasonic didnā€™t make it easy with this camera

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My Canon G16 used those 2.5mm plugs for its remote control I just went to an electronics shop bought the plugs and a couple of switches and made my own lead. Dead easy, still got it some where

I think the reason for the different ends is that the focus is controlled separately to the shutter (at least that is how it works on the Canon)

Still finding out a bit more about the Panasonic G9 camera. there is so much on it I am still discovering bits and pieces in the menu. Not a camera for those who have not spent a bit of time in photography i would say.