Over 50's Wales Club

Nimby well done on the . Jac we are going to Lanzaroti and its Costa Teguisti looking forward to getting away for some sun. I did some housework today and will catch up on ore tomorrow.

morning,hatches well and truly batterned down here,its terrable,
stay dry every one

Have to take car for service this morning,not looking forward to the drive to the garage in this terrible weather.Will wait for it to be done, got my Kindle ready to pass the time.

Good morning weather is the same up here today, staying indoors and catching up things around here.

Its blowing up a storm here .
Cancelled our weekly pub-lunch , donā€™t even feel like driving in this , my poor Tesco man was blown in

My post girl looked like a drowned rat this morning ā€¦Iā€™m hoping it will be a bit better tomorrow as I have to go into townā€¦

I was terrified driving on the M3 to Southampton, and normally I am not fazed. The lorries and the sprayā€¦and people doing silly things got to me.Took the old dog to the vet this a.m. and have had to make some decisions about her future. Now listening to the wind roaring around the house and hoping there are no trees down tomorrow.

Another wet and windy morning.Was going to meet a friend for lunch today but after my horrendous journey on the M4 yesterday(like you Celyn I was scared driving yesterday)Iā€™ve decided to stay in.Hope weather gets better by weekend-going to visit my son across the bridge

It sounds horrible out there and the M3 again today. Nearly every day I see something that could be potentially a pile up and its getting to me.

Going to have muddy wet dogs, I think, today.

winds been howling here all night,so not much sleep grrr
lots of rain as well,
take care out there

Another wet and windy one . My birds cant even get onto the balcony for their food .
A day in by the fire again
Keep warm and safe xxx

Just back from shopping (could have done with windscreen wipers on my glasses) and glad to get back into the house for coffee. Just about to do lunch and then I think Iā€™ll be on the tapestry for the afternoonā€¦

Stay safe Celyn xx

Another wet morning here and I had a waterproof coat with a hood but forgot a brolly. Sun is now coming out and Iā€™ll go out for some more shopping and some lunch.

morning all,a calm pleasent morning so far,
enjoy yer day

Morning all. Calm here after the storm yesterday and I can see some blue sky, though I donā€™t know how long that will lastā€¦ Off to U3A shortly, though not meeting Rosie today, sheā€™s off on her travels tomorrow so is getting ready today. Then thereā€™s a bowls match this evening, so will have to keep my strength upā€¦

Good morning everybody wet and windy here again today.

Its been nice and sunny here so I had to clean the muck off my window after the storm but its gone colder now and big dark clouds out there
Have a good day Sue , you put me to shame xxxx

Beautiful day. Had a day off so catch up. Renault Master going off to Air Suspension Hospital in Sussex tomorrow, on a low loader. One of my jobs was to take all the disabled paraphanalia out. Then I sort of got side tracked as the honeysuckle needed a haircut. Itā€™s now a foot high!!! Oops!!! Electrician coming too, tomorrow, to finish installing back PIR Halogen light thank goodness. I will be able to see in the pitch balck at last.

Another stormy day . The waves are huge
Not venturing out
Keep warm and safe xxx

Wild here too.