Over 50's Club Scotland

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Just a quick note to say a new thread about Scotland has been posted :blush: You can view the thread here:


Donā€™t forget you can view our mini-forum for Scotland here: Scotland Forum | Over 50s Chat (over time as more threads about Scotland are posted here they will show up there, and when search engines index the forum it will mean more people searching for ā€˜over 50s in Scotlandā€™ will be more likely to spot the forumā€¦ andā€¦ hopefullyā€¦ register and join in with you all :003:)


Afternoon Each,turned out a fine dry sunny one here so made it up the hill to the bus stop into Town to Boots & Morrisonsā€¦wore a double maskā€¦not taking any chancesā€¦enjoyed the fresh air and a blether with a couple of My old Neighbours,one had bronchitis since xmas and this was Her first day out too,the other had fluā€™ at the same time!

Itā€™s not an easy Life bringing up a handicapped Child Bonnieā€¦I knowā€¦Hopefully there may be some improvements in the future for You all,

A Poem for Burns Night.

Fareweel to aā€™ our Scottish fame,
Fareweel our ancient glory
Fareweel evā€™n to the Scottish name,
Sae famed in martial story
Now Sark rins over Solway sands
An Tweed rins to the ocean
To mark where Englandā€™s province stands -
Sic a parcel o rogues in a nation!

What force or guile could not subdue
Through many warlike ages
Is wrought now by a coward few
For hireling traitorā€™s wages
The English steel we could disdain
Secure in valourā€™s station
But English gold has been our bane -
Sic a parcel o rogues in a nation!

O would, or I had seen the day
That Treason thus could sell us,
My auld grey head had lien in clay
Wi Bruce and loyal Wallace!
But pith and power, till my last hour
Iā€™ll mak this declaration
Weā€™re bought and sold for English gold -
Sic a parcel o rogues in a nation!

Good evening. May glad you managed to get into town today for some shopping. Sun was out here today as well, and it felt good to see it. My niece Elizabeth phoned me and I met her then went to Braehead. Got a couple bunches of daffs from M&S, I love them.

Evening, Iā€™m tucked up in bed. Really quite scared as my daughter has gone home to Dundee to her own bed for a decent nights sleep. I knew this was coming as Iā€™ve not needed any help going to the toilet through the last few nights. I have a leg lifter and can get in and out of bed ok, still very nervous though. Glad your all doing ok.

I didnā€™t know you dad been in such shape. I am so sorry for youā€¦:frowning:

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Thanks Besoeker, yes even my GP said it was a horrific injury. I havenā€™t felt this low/guilty for a very long time. Not just my life I turned upside down but several others too. Bone is shattered not just broken, I did a real number on myself. 3 weeks and I can still hardly weight bare on it, struggling on a zimmer since I got home, feel like Iā€™m living in a pain filled nightmare most of the time.

OMG Rox,Iā€™m so sorry,I canā€™t understand why They want You to exercise so much,shouldnā€™t You just be resting to let the bones heal?..I understand how Your feeling scared being alone,especially during the night (((((((((((hugs)))))))))))

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The positive is look where you were 3 weeks ago at the beginning now you can move around and are at home with Dageus. Chin up

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Hi May, I fell out with the physio I called Demon Dave in the hosital. I know and understand his job is to get us moving and not lie about then stiffen up, but he was pushing too hard and had me in floods of tears. I knew from my knee replacements that my body refuses to go at the hospitals pace, it has to go at itā€™s own and thats about a week to ten days behind what they want. I am managing better at home, doing what needs to be done but at my bodyā€™s pace.I slowly walk around the house 4 times a day, plus toilet trips. Do the bending and stretches that have to be done, so much easier without him breathing down my neck.
All this with someone in the house, being alone is scaring the hell out of me. Got another dose of morphine at 10pm so hopefully I can settle down to sleep after it.

Good morning Each,I have the heating on full blast as thereā€™s been a hard frost during the night but the sun is coming out now,

I hope You got some sleep last night Rox and I remember what itā€™s like living with horrendous pain as itā€™s all You can focus on,I also recall thinking I was losing My mindā€¦but I didnā€™t and neither will Youā€¦come Spring Youā€™ll be out there walking the hairy one again and things will get back to normal eventuallyā€¦Thereā€™s one good thing about being on Your Ownā€¦You can scream & curse until the air is blue and shout ā€œwhy Meā€ā€¦it helps :innocent:ā€¦sending You some positive vibes & hugs,

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Morning All, Still in bed waiting for Regan to come,she is on her way, sent a text a wee while back. Desperate for an ice pack to put on the knee. Your quite correct May and I cried for ages after she left last night,but felt better for it.
Canā€™t see what itā€™s like out as the curtains are still shut but I do know the suns not out or it would be brighter in here.
Have a good day everyone.

Good morning everybody. Rox your quite right to do things at your own pace, and have a sit down when you feel like it. As May says youā€™ll be out walking the Hairy one come spring. May the sun is shining here at the moment thank goodness. Iā€™ll get some housework done before my niece comes to pick me up for lunch.

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Afternoon good People,a lovely sunny one here and Iā€™ve cleaned inside all the windowsā€¦tempted to change the heavy Winter curtains for lighter Summer ones but gave Myself a good talking to instead :laughing:

Enjoy Your lunch out Jessie,Iā€™ve defrosted some chicken soup I made weeks ago,so thatā€™s what Iā€™ll be having with crusty breadā€¦Iā€™ve also put the weight back on I lost when I was illā€¦and then someā€¦I seem to be hungry all the time :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

See Ye aā€™ later.xx

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Afternoon all. Hope you are feeling better Rox. May calm the heid! You are still on the mend. Btw I am hungry all the time too just now,think I need all the winter stodge to keep going.
Enjoy your lunch Jess you are definitely a lady who lunches! Quite right Carpe diem. Although not you May you are ā€œcarpe ingā€ too soon.
Going to do my Granny duties now see you all later x

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:rofl:ā€¦Thereā€™s no such a thingā€¦if the spirit moves Me (and I donā€™t mean gin) :grin:ā€¦ then I will get back to doing what I was used to doing before I got illā€¦though a bit slower!

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I agree May, I miss my old life, this one has me bored rigid. :pensive:

I know Rox,but You will get it back though it may take a bit longerā€¦40 yrs ago after getting out of the Hospā€™ I had to go to the back clinic in the Rehab Centre 5 days a week for 18 months to learn how to stand up straight and walk againā€¦Youā€™ll make itā€¦donā€™t despair. :wink:

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And we are still here and you can chat to us and thatā€™s a plus! About two and a half years ago I was seriously ill in hospital and not capable of anything. I have since improved but my balance is not right and often struggle to find even simple words. Thatā€™s one of the reasons I enjoy this forum. For me text is good - verbal conversation can be a challenge.
I struggle


Good evening. May thatā€™s one job I gave up years ago changing curtains twice a year, hope you enjoyed your soup. Jean thatā€™s one thing I enjoy going out for lunch or dinner, hate cooking. Rox youā€™ll soon be fighting fit and youā€™ll have to be tied down. Besoeker your welcome on this site anytime. Enjoyed the lunch today and will have a sandwich later/

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