Over 50's Club Scotland

Evening Jess, We didn’t have any damage at all really just a few things blown over. My place in Perth though has taken a bit of a hit, son phoned me, fences down front and old one at back, greenhouse broken panes and metal damage, some tiles off the roof and the tree needs branches lopping off. Neighbours tree down taking all the phone lines with it, BT Engineers coming in a few days to sort that out. Blooming storms… Sigh.
Dunc and I are heading down to Perth early tomorrow, hope you were not hit too.

Evening Rox. No damage here either, a few trees blown down round about me. I had a load of trees cut down in the back garden last year. Sorry to hear that you had some damage to your house in Perth. I just hope we don’t get another storm like it again in our lifetime.

Not as much damage as I thought thank goodness, most of it’s sorted, left the BT Engineers sorting wires for next door but it came down from my roof. Hoping they can replace it but not onto the side of my chimney, straight into their place. Tiles are replaced and the greenhouse patched up. The really big and expensive job is fencing back and front, guys been up and gave me the price but there will be no help from them next door again.

Glad to hear there wasn’t a lot of damage to your house. Fences always seem to take the full extent of strong winds. Hope BT engineers manage to get the wire onto your neighbours chimney. I take it you don’t have much time for your neighbours.

Evening, All sorted except for the fences, my guy is busy on another job but will get started next week. Left his money with my son and Roy knows what’s to be done.
Next door never paid a penny towards that big back fence last year and it cost me just under a grand, despite the fact it was their fence that was all over my garden. Only reason I sorted it was because of Dageus. Anytime she saw me last summer she skuttled into her house. Anything happens again I’m just chucking it into their garden and leaving it. I have all the before and after photos and all the paperwork and receipts. So it’s up to them in future.

Morning. Rox glad that everything has been sorted except for the fence. That’s the thing with a shared fence, with a neighbour when they don’t want to pay anything towards it. I don’t blame you for leaving it if it happens again.

Afternoon, Not a bad day here and on the plus side it was not dark till just after 5pm yesterday. Had a wander on the beach earlier and drank my coffee from the wee flask, how I miss the ocean when I’m down in Perth.
Lazy afternoon for me and back into the routine on Monday. Himself is out with his precious Clydes just now and then doing a stable clean up.

Evening. It wasn’t to bad either here today, not as cold as it has been. Did some food shopping and bought a new pair of jeans. Also a belt on sale for a coat I’ve got. Well done Scotland on winning their game against Italy today.

Afternoon, Dry here but really chilly wind.
Been a slow day not done much, just a tidy up and made a pot of soup, looking forward to returning to my swimming tomorrow.

Morning. Didn’t do a lot myself yesterday apart from some housework. Weather doesn’t look to bad here this morning, so might go into town later. Enjoy your swim at the pool today.

Morning, Started off fine this morning but when I came out of the pool the sky was really black, it’s been raining for a wee while and I think it’s on for the day.
A few messages to do in the village then home for the day.

Morning. It’s raining here at the moment. Hairdressers this morning then some food shopping. Then home again, have ironing to do but it can wait for another day.

Morning, Had to scrape the car this morning :rage: and that made me late for the pool so it was getting busier than I like it when I finally got there. Nice and sunny now but blooming cold though, sort of Winter Day I used to like walking the Hairy One. Just finished my toast n latte so it’s on with a wash and out with the hoover.

Evening it wasn’t to bad here although it was a cold wind out there. Had the Dentist this afternoon, then some shopping., met a friend that I used to work with while I was shopping… Haven’t seen him for a few years. Started knitting hats again for the Neo natal unit at the HOSPITAL.

Evening, Not been too bad a day it’s starting to feel warm in the sun again. Had a wander round the town centre this morning and a rake through the fabulous charity shop we have here, only bought a couple of books today though. Had visitors this afternoon so been catching up with gossip, they left to drive back down to Brora just as it was starting to get dark.

Morning. Was a cold sunny day here yesterday. Niece came round for a visit. Then we met one of my cousins for lunch, its been a few months since we met up. Then M&S for a some shopping then another one to Tesco. I always pick up heavy things shopping because I’m getting a lift in the car.

Afternoon, Been a busy day so far Dunc seems to be in Spring Cleaning Mode so the stable is now gleaming. Sorry to say I’m not, I’m hot, tired, and mucky. :worried:
Heading for a hot soak in the bath and my audio book.
Enjoy the rest of your day.

Evening. Really cold here today so was a bit lazy and did very little. Had my hair done this afternoon and had the usual laughs with everybody. Was going to my nieces this evening but decided to stay home and keep warm.

Morning, Early start today, heading over to Wick shortly for the big monthly shop, then a look round the shops. It’s not too bad a day so hoping to get started cleaning in the greenhouse this afternoon and out to Scrabster’s Ferry Inn for dinner tonight followed by a meet up in the village local with friends afterwards.
Have a good W/E.