Good afternoon. May you always make me hungry when I come on here with all your talk of food. It’s bin day here tomorrow so I’ll have to get them out later. Got the prescription from Boots and while I was over there I met the knitting group from Largs they’d been there for a day out.
Good evening everybody. Hope you ladies are feeling good tonight. Weather here today wasn’t to bad, furniture arrived and I’m really happy with it. Some of my old stuff has gone a free sight for anybody who wants it. Just some tables and a few other things, Joseph and Rhyse carried it all out to the garage for me a wee bung included.
Good Evening Jessie & All…not feeling great today,so just making some scrambled eggs for dinner,
Your new Home will feel so much more comfortable now the furniture has arrived.
Hi May sorry to hear yiur not feeling well take it easy. Still have a TV unit to come tomorrow, then see about getting some work done on the house.
Good evening all. Sorry you are still not well May hope you and Rox are better soon.
I am back to normal looking after the kids after school Wed, Thur and Friday. Dr says I must keep moving and exercising as much as possible. Must say it is tiring though.
So early nights for me. See you all tomorrow.
Good morning everybody. May and Rox hope your both feeling better today. Jean glad to hear your feeling better, kids certainly keep you on your toes. Looks like its going to be another nice day again once the frost disappears. Some housework then off for a massage this afternoon.
Good morning Each,a fine sunny frosty one here just perfect for a long brisk walk,but not really up to it as I was wakened the other night by terrible screaming coming from the garden just outside My bedroom window…It must have been a fox but it scared the Life outta Me…result is I’m feeling very nervy and not quite Myself…I think this has happened since having covid so will have to set about restoring My equilibrium…easier said than done.
Good You’re back to Your routine again Bonnie and I hope Your progress continues Rox…enjoy Yer massage Jessie,
have a good day All,xx
Afternoon All, Cold here but dry at least.
Just back from Ninewells Hospital, had to see the surgeon for a check and an xray. He’s quite pleased with the way it’s healing and he was good enough to show me the before and after xrays. Then he let Regan take a photo of them…Got quite a sick feeling when I saw the one with the smashed bone…🫣 What a mess, you can clearly see the metal rod all the way down through the bone from the top of the leg to the knee, and the metal plate and screws holding it all together. Not a pretty sight at all, be warned people stay away from ice, wear ice grips on your boots in the winter, OR, this could be your leg.
I broke my leg last year no ice insight , I blamed the Rabbit that dug that hole in the Footpath.Mine was a clean break thankfully , although it shortened my Summer walks before they had hardly began ,
Hopefully you should be up and walking by summer and able to enjoy it .
May cant say I’ve ever heard a fox mating, and hope I don’t ever hear it. Rox you are one lucky lady looking at the Xrays, glad you are on the mend and coming through it all. I try to avoid ice when I can but sometimes you have to go out for shopping.Eliza be careful of rabbit holes. Really enjoyed my massage today and feel really relaxed after it.
Good morning Each,it’s a fine sunny one here so off for a walk to Scotmid for a couple of well fired rolls as My taste & smell is coming back,so bacon rolls it is…could also smell My flowers when I opened the Living Room door this morning…thank goodness,
Shocking x rays Rox so You’ve done well to get where You are now,
Have a good One Folks,xx
Good morning everybody. May love well fired rolls but don’t know if the bakers here sell them. Sunny here but its probably cold. Nails and hair today and a look round the shops.
Aye it’s a cauld cauld wind so was glad to get Hame…Washing blowing merrily on the line…Just had delivery of a small garden wheel barrow so no more howkin’ pots & compost around from back to front,save My legs & back…looking forward to some gardening soon next Month as the grass is getting quite long…maybe help get rid of the flab I’ve accumulated
Sunny and cold here today but lovely to get out and enjoy walking. May I brought a few pots with me, I’ll get my niece Libby or Joseph to take them round the back for. Had my hair and nails done and then over to Braehead for some food shopping.
Good morning all. Nice day again here. Yesterday was lovely. Got 2 loads of washing out but was late getting back from my Daughter’s so had drawn damp before I got them in.
Going for a walk to Asda for a few things couldn’t get in Sainsburys last night. Will pass the bakers and get some crispy rolls there. So rolls on sausage when I get back.
Hope you are still on the mend Rox your X-rays look really scary. May you sound like you are getting back to your usual cheery self. Jess you are never off the pad. Good for you.
Have a good Saturday everyone.
Morning All, Dry here with sunny spells, got the washing on and will get one of the kids to bung it on the ropes for me, the balance is not ready for that yet. Strange, it was the same after my knee replacement ops, it was weeks before I felt safe dealing with the washing ropes.
Nothing planned for today, just a bit of dusting and might go out to the garden seat and chuck the ball for Dageus.
I can see things starting to need done in the garden but am not able to do it, hoping to rope my lad in a couple of days a week.
Well enjoy your weekend.
Afternoon All,another fine sunny one here too which lifts My spirits…Aye I’m getting back to normal Jean after a hellish 3 months of feeling ill…so…onwards & upwards,
You’re getting there too Rox and every day Your mobility will improve…
Have a good weekend Folks,xx
Good afternoon everybody. Jean still not managed to hang out any washing yet, I;ve a gate next to the garage and someone put the bolt across it and I cant open it. Rox glad to hear that your slowly doing things, I can see things in my garden that needs doing. May good news that your getting back to normal after three months. Was in town today at a breakfast thing in Frasers, had a few glasses of Processco then four of us went for a drink. Going out to dinner shortly with Libby and Elizabeth, not sure if Joseph is coming with us.
Jess, Give the bolt a good soak in WD40. It’s what my Dunc calls the wonder juice.
I use it on anything that’s stuck, never failed me yet.
Thanks Rox I’ll give it a try.