Over 50's Club Scotland

Glad you enjoyed your trip back. I am not in the mood to do anything at all today, slept late and still in pjs.
Weather’s cool and dark…yuck.

Morning. Hope your feeling better this morning. Glad all this football is finished and we can get some peace. Some housework this morning then I want to go into town and try to get a pair of sandals.

Morning, Just back from the pool, spent too long yacking and now running late. Going into town to get my toenails cut shortly then into Tesco on the way home.
Still awful weather, beginning to wonder if we’re going to have a summer at all.

Morning. Sun is out here today thank goodness. n the afternoon.Washing out and I’m waiting for my nephew to come and doa few odd jobs for me. Then I’ll probably do some more weeding i

Evening, Another at home day apart from the pool. Did some tidying up in the garden and a few bits around the house, I’m not tired tonight for some reason just hoping I’m not going to be awake most of the night…Again.

Morning. A bit cloudy here at the moment, nephew assembled my garden table and chairs for me, just hope I can use them. Hairdressers and then I want to get new pillows and pillow protectors. Hope you managed to get some sleep last night.

Morning, Yes I went to bed just before midnight and did drop off, got to the pool on time this morning for my swim.
Stuck in waiting on a plumber the now as the toilet cistern is very slow to refill, a couple of hours at least.
Most put out with this weather, that lot down south are frying in lovely hot sun and here it’s at least 10 degrees cooler with no sun.

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Morning. Glad you managed to get some sleep.Hope you don’t have to wait to long for the plumber to come out. Weather not much better here but at least its dry. Not sure what I’m doing today maybe go into Glasgow for a look round the shops.

Morning, Not long up decided to have a lie in and let the world go on without me for a few hours. Washing to do and dining room to declutter and clean, out for dinner tonight and then the village pub after.
Enjoy your W/E.

Morning. Did some weeding yesterday, then Next for some leggings. Washing on and its some housework today for me, after that maybe go out for some lunch, if it stays dry. Hope you enjoyed your evening out last night.

Morning, Raining again…Sigh. Can’t face the pool this morning too tired and a bit wobbly, am heading back to bed for a couple of hours see if I can shake this off. Hopefully swim later.
Have a nice day.

Morning. Been raining here as well this morning. Not a lot planned here today either, apart from clearing out some more stuff to go to the dump. Hope you feel better later and manage to get to the pool.

Afternoon, Got to the pool this morning so feeling a bit looser, it was really busy was most surprised and put out lol.
Was out for lunch with a friend so now I’m away to catch up with recorded telly.

Morning. Glad you got to the pool yesterday and had lunch with your friend. Going to get a key cut today for the front door, I lost it on Sunday my niece had a spare so I borrowed that. Her dad is coming at lunchtime to cut the grass for me.

Afternoon, Hot n Humid here today, no sun though, boooo. At pool again this morning then Tesco, forgot the blooming milk so had to hoof to the village shop and back for it, village and outskirts are full of roadworks and the parking at the shop is coned off for their vehicles, again boooo. So it was easier to walk.Got 3 ropes of washing out almost dry now, just the bedding to change and that’s for tomorrow if it’s drying weather.

Morning. It wasn’t that warm here yesterday, in fact there was a few light showers. There’s loads of roadworks here as well and in Glasgow. Bought a clock radio yesterday but will have to take it back as it doesn’t have an alarm, I like them in case I have to get up early for something.

Afternoon, I’m not too bad at getting up, my body clock seems to kick me 6 - 6.15am
Son is coming up for a week so picking him up from Thurso railway station early evening.
Was at the pool earlier and just finding things to do here this afternoon.

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Evening. I usually wake up before the alarm. Hope the weather improves for your son coming to stay. Sun has come out after quite a few showers here today. Off to Aberdeen tomorrow for an overnight stay with one of my friends. Will get a taxi into Glasgow to the bus station in the morning.

Have a good time.

Thank you.