Over 50's Club Scotland (Part 1)

Morning still pitch black here and a real blast of cold air when I opened the back door to let The Hairy One out, but the flag stones were dry so that’s good. Arms feel no too bad, so heading to the pool, see how it goes while swimming, if it’s too sore then I’ll just steep in the lovely hot water and bubbles the jacuzzi has…Bliss.
No plans for the afternoon will see how the day goes.

Good morning Rox & All,a bright one here so far but showers expected…waiting for a package to be delivered this morn so no plans to go anywhere,
I see Sturgeon is being chastised on the news for saying She ‘despises the Tories and all They stand for’…what a surprise :laughing:…We all here in Scotland know Truss ‘despises the SNP and all They stand for’…She just aint got the guts to say it in public :smirk:

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Yep, I thought that as well. Won’t be long before certain people are rejoicing about it. :roll_eyes::zipper_mouth_face:

Good morning dry here at the moment. Jean I love up the Clydeside way beautiful, h. ope your feeling better this morning. May hope you don’t have to wait to long for the parcel. Rox enjoy your swim or the jacuzzi, only been in once. Hardly ever watch the news now to much sorrow in the world. Going to Greenock today to Tesco for some food shopping.

Good evening all. Had a good day got my washing out did some ironing. Was having fish and chips for dinner but then saw that mince I bought was up today so decided to have mince and potatoes and turnip. Browned my mince sliced my onion only to find it was completely rotten! Got my coat on and rushed to Scotmid not an onion in the shop, went on to the next shop which is quite a distance away. Heavens opened got my onions got home soaking. My towels on the line were also sodden. Felt like greetin. Any way got dinner sorted and all washing in the drier. Then had a coffee and a rest!

Good Afternoon Each,a mild cloudy one here but no rain so far…Bad luck re’ Yer washing Bonnie Ye just can’t tell when the Heavens will open,
Did some shopping in Tesco so I’m in for the day now,
Have the eye clinic in Hairmyers first thing Tomorrow
morning,and I hope it’s the last time.

Good afternoon May and all who follow. Hope you get a good result tomorrow at Hairmyres.
Been cleaning out drawers and cupboards today. It is amazing how much junk a person can accumulate! Trying to be ruthless but find it hard with cards and keepsakes.
My Son is coming to take me to M and S food up at Kingsgate East Kilbride tonight. Taking a parcel back and collecting one. Will get some shopping while I am there.
Enjoy your day everyone.

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Good afternoon. May hope all goes well tomorrow at the Hospital. Jean you’ve been busy today clearing out drawers and cupboards. I found bags upstairs that I got ready for the Charity shop. Out early this morning for a massage, then had my hair done this afternoon. Off to the pub tonight with the Social group.

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Morning, Really heavy rain today and it’s not even properly light yet, despite being 10.45.
Walked the Hairy One in the woods to try and keep out of the rain but still we both got soaked. Not going out again today, plenty to do around here.

Good morning Each,rain was battering down here at 8am this morn’,but sunny & dry now,
‘‘Eye healing nicely & all going in the right direction’’ Doc says, so don’t have to go back to see Him for another 6 weeks. :relaxed:
Have a good day All,xx

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That’s good news for you May, my grandaughter is on the bus on her way up here for a while.

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Good afternoon all. Well done you May! Great news.
Rox you will enjoy having your Granddaughter to stay.
Was very wet here now the sun is coming through. This changeable weather gets me down. I am either soaking because I thought it wasn’t going to rain. Or roasting because I am all geared up for the cold rain and the sun comes out.
Going to watch the Grands after school today, tomorrow and Friday. Then I am off for the October week! Out to play !:neutral_face::expressionless::roll_eyes:

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Good afternoon. May that’s good news about your eye. Rox I enjoy having my nieces here to stay with me. Jean same story with me, always wearing the wrong clothes going out. Showers here today so not going till about two to get my nails done.

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Good morning everybody. Blue skies here at the moment but looks cold out there. Going to my neighbours funeral this morning along with some other neighbours.

Good morning Each and it’s a bright sunny one here so will get out for a walk after breakfast,had a nice long lie-in after sleeping for 9 hours so I’m rarin’ tae go :grin:
Have a good one Lassies,xx

Morning ladies. Lovely crisp morning here too. I slept in unintentionally but think I must have needed it.
Going to get some housework done then up to my Daughters to watch the children. Back later than usual as it is my granddaughter’s parents night and I will have to stay until both parents get back. I like getting the kids bathed and all shining like wee new shillings before putting them to bed.
Enjoy your day everybody.

Morning, OMG What a shock earlier, I had to defrost the blooming car before I could go for my swim. :cold_face: Hope this isn’t a sign of a bad winter to come.
Just back from the beach with Dagues, having a coffee then it’s washing and a general tidy up. Going to get my granddaughter up on a Clyde’s back this afternoon, that will be fun. Or not, as the case may be.
At the moment getting her to get dressed is the challenge.

Really cold wind here today, turned the heating and then went for a nap. Just woke up and its raining.

Dreich day here this morning, though it could be sunshine by lunchtime the way the weather has been recently. Need to go to the bakers or wouldn’t be venturing out at all.
Looking after the grandchildren this afternoon then it’s
Sainsburys for shopping this evening.
Enjoy your day everyone.

Good morning weather is the same here this morning. Hairdressers for me today and then a look round the shops. Will have a look at furniture to get an idea what I want, when I move.