Over 50's Club Scotland (Part 1)

No not yet Twink,I won’t know any more until the stitches
are removed next Wednesday…but I see things def’ brighter through the left eye…so I’m confident. :wink:…Will have to go through it all again with the right one.

Evening, Been a slow day for me, just can’t get myself into gear. The Hairy One has finally been signed off at the Vet and is almost healed up. Been cold today even cold with my fleece on, hope it’s not going to be a freezing Winter. May it’s good to see you back and on the mend.

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May at least you will know what to expect the second time! My sister is going to have her second eye done today & she is much calmer than last time. She is amazed at how well she can see through the first one now.
Hoping we hear similar good news from you next week & I may even raise a glass of wine to your recovery.

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Good morning all. Cold and sunny here today.
Glad to here the Hairy one is signed off. Hope you feel better soon .Rox. Sometimes it is so hard to get your get up and go back. A friend of mine always tells me to count my pluses! Sometimes that knocks me back a day or two lol!
Well done May you are getting there! One day at a time as they say.
Looking after Grands today then 2 jags tomorrow. COVID booster and flu.
Enjoy your day everyone. Hope you have the sun even if it is chilly.

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Morning, Bright n sunny here so I’m getting the bedding and the towels washed and out on the ropes before the storm hits. By tomorrow the place will be far too wet n windy so I’m getting things done today.
Need to head over to Wick for my monthly stock up of things I can’t get here, but that will have to wait untill the beddings dry. Will take The Hairy One as well, because we love the walk over to the Castle Sinclair Girnigoe ruins, and it’s been several months since we went, as the place is always hooching with tourists in the summer months.

Good morning all. Good that you have finally got your eye sorted May, you will know what to expect next time. I had both of mine done many years ago. I had to put my covid vaccination for this week off Bonnie because my wife and I tested positive for covid at the weekend. Only mild symptoms thanks to previous vaccinations. You will be relieved that Dagues (spelling?) has made a full recovery Rox. Jess will be off to London. I don’t know where she gets all the energy from. Nice to see you on here Twink. I hope your sister’s opperation goes well.

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Good morning Each,and thanks Scot…sorry You both have covid,rotten luck,hope You get better soon,
I too had to postpone the flu/booster as it was in the same week as the eye op’
Took a walk to the opticians to deliver a letter from the Hosp’,but They are shut on a Thursday :roll_eyes:…was hoping to get a prescription for more eye drops from Her as I can’t get through to the bloody Doc’s surgery…first time I’ve had to phone there for around 4 years…now I know why everyone’s complaining…oh well…carry on regardless :grimacing:
Seee Ya All Soon :eyes:

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Morning, Boy is it wild here this morning. Oceans on the Rock n Roll, winds very strong and the rain’s coming down in sheets. Went swimming and took my afterwards coffee to the sea front as usual to drink it and enjoyed watching the ocean. Staying home today and not going anywhere, even The Hairy One is showing no sign of wantiing out, he’s just sat watching the rain and looking disgusted.

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Good morning time to batten down the hatches here too! Wild, windy and very wet!
Lovely picture of your boy, Rox. What breed is he?
Glad I am getting a lift for my jags today or would be soaked to the skin.

Dageus is a cross breed Bonnie, dad was a long haired retriever and mum a huge standard poodle.

This is Wee Bonnie about 16 years ago at Bamburgh beach. We lost her about 2 years later when she was 14. She was mostly bearded collie and the best wee dog ever!

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She looks a wee cracker. I can certainly see the Beardie in her. Dageus is the first dog I’ve have that hasn’t been an Old English Sheepdog. My folks used to keep them and sometimes breed a litter or two. I only got Dageus as after my last two girls died I couldn’t get another Sheepie anywhere…


Good morning all sunshine and heavy rain here again. Going to chiropodist this morning. Got my 2 jags yesterday flu jab and Moderna mixture.
Watching my grandchildren tonight. It’s my Daughter’s birthday tomorrow but they decided to go out tonight. Trains are on strike so they will need to get an Uber in and out to Glasgow.
Lovely pictures Rox big chunky puppies!
Hope you have a good Saturday everyone

Good afternoon. May glad to hear that you can see things a little brighter with your eye. Rox lovely dogs always loved that breed beautiful puppies. Bonnie hope your arm isn’t to sore after the jags yesterday. Had a lovely time in London visited Buckingham Palace ant then the park where all the flowers were laid out. Then a visit to Harrods and a few other places. Got the train home yesterday, one was cancelled so everybody just to sit where they could. We were lucky that we managed to get our seats together, but it was over an hour late getting into Glasgow, so they laid taxis on for us to get home.

Dageus Is looking bright, even if he is fed up with the rain. I hope he is fully recovered now and can eat well. :smiley:

Yes Thanks he’s fine now. I still don’t give him big hard chewy chews though…just incase. So he has to make do with the meaty strips ones. :smirk:
Lot nicer today sun’s out but still windy. The ocean bent the thick iron rail on the steps down to the beach, was gobsmacked when I saw it.

Rox that must have been some wind to do that. Heavy showers here at the moment, got the local bus to the shops, but got a taxi home.

The waves were ferocious Jess, with hardly any time between them crashing, it was one after another wollop wollop wollop.

Quite scary then Rox. I’ve seen the waves here come right over the breakwall onto the prom, that’s quite scary to see.

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Tell him that we all have to be careful what we eat as we get older! Even I am wary about eating pork crackling now in case it damages my teeth! :rofl:

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