Over 50's Club Scotland (Part 1)

Good Morning everyone. Mostly sunny and bright here, but cold. It was -5.0C in the screen this morning. No wonder the lawns were white! “Cool and refreshing” is the phrase I think. :smiley: I hope the end of that cough is on the horizon Myrtle !

Take care all.


Evening All,well it’s certainly been very ‘cool and refreshing’ here all day Mike,I was glad to get back in after My walk,and I’ve not stuck My nose outside since :-D…Made a spicy hot lamb curry for dinner later,tae heck wi’ the waistline :-p

Ooo spicy hot lamb curry! Sounds good.
Cold weathercalls for such comfort food. Waistlines can expand! :slight_smile:

We never lost power, but there’s more branches out there to be picked up.

Enjoy your evening.

Edited cos I goofed!

Good evening everybody a nice sunny day but cold. Visited my friend and then did some food shopping and caught the bus home.

Thought of you Myrtle as I coughed my way through the night !!

Oh dear. That doesn’t sound good.
Hope you feel better soon.
Hope your cough has settled Myrtle.

Enjoy your day.

Good Morning Each,no frost just dull and damp here,…off for a gallivant into Town after B/fast…Sorry Abbey & Myrtle You are both still coughing,keep warm and I hope You feel better soon,xx

Good morning :slight_smile:

Oh dear Abbey … it’s not good is it … I was the same again last night … finally fell asleep propped up 3 pillows !!!

I’m feeling sick and my tummy’s “off” … might have overdosed on cough sweets :lol:

I’ve got my annual appointment at the hospital this afternoon to see the liver specialist … nothing serious … all he does is stare at me to see if I’m jaundiced and then says he’ll see me next year :lol:. Mmmmm … worth the visit though … he’s gorgeous :blush:

Enjoy your day everyone :slight_smile:

Afternoon Each,didn’t hang about in Town just got some fruit, bread & milk, popped into the Library where I usually have a coffee and a blether,but Everyone I saw seemed to have a worried unhappy look on Their face…so Home,CDs on with some rock n roll,had a wee jig up n doon the lobby,now sitting with a cuppa hot choc’ and a cheese toastie…perfick,:wink:
Myrtle,stop flirting with Your Specialist immediately Ya wee hussy :-p

Hi May … oh I envy you jigging about to your CD … I’ve not been dancing for 4 weeks now !!! :frowning:

Mmmm … nice to see a bit of eye candy … I can dream :blush:

Good evening everybody out early this morning to meet friends in town for lunch.Myrtle and Abbey sorry to hear your still coughing. May I’m like you I sometimes put a cd on and have a wee dance round the living room.

Seem to be getting rid of the cold now . I have passed it on to OH so he can have all the fun now !!
Just got to pass on the cough and I’ll be laughing . :lol:

Glad you still enjoy a bit off window shopping Myrtle . Nothing wrong with that ! :smiley:

Glad everyone else ok too and dancing to the music :smiley:

Hi folks.
It’s very wet, dark and miserable here today. Blah!

Sorry you’re not getting over that cough Myrtle.
Hope Mr. Gorgeous made you feel a bit better!

I always have music on during the day, and will often have a wee dance around. Well, I call it dancing! :slight_smile:

ETA Glad you’re feeling better Abbey!

Good Morning Each,another chilly bright dry one here…just back from a walk to the CO-OP for rolls for B/fast…don’t know what I’ll get up to today as I’m not in the mood for housework,feeling restless…It would have been My Darling Mums 100th Birthday Today…I still miss Her especially now with My on-going Fam’ worry.

Hope all the coughs and sneezes have gone now Lassies,and You’re soon back at the jiggin’ Myrtle,xx

Good morning :slight_smile:

(((Hugs))) to May :slight_smile:

It’s a sad day for you May , I know how you feel . :frowning:

On a brighter note I had a better nights sleep last night . Must have been the two glasses of wine I had . :slight_smile:
Take note Myrtle ! :wink:

Thanks for the tip Abbey :wink:

Afternoon Folks. A bit grim & drizzly this morning. Out at 7-30am to help my friend pick up a hire van and get some furniture from Bearsden. I got rewarded with a huge bowl of homemade lentil soup, coffee and homemade coffee cake. Yummy. Unlike me, he’s a brilliant cook. I must do that more often !:smiley:

Thinking of you May. It would have been my Mum’s 100th b/d a short time ago. Yep, happy memories but of course tinged with “I wish we had talked a lot more” etc. etc. :frowning:

It’s high time you got shut of that cough Myrtle. You have been TOLD !!! :smiley:


Afternoon Folks,Ooo Mike,Ye canny beat homemade soup & coffee cake,luvly jubly,

Well I took Myself for a meander around the local Cemetery to visit all My Relatives there,tidied up the graves and had a wee blether with all of Them…feel the better for it :smiley:

On a more positive note,it’s also My youngest Daughters 16th Wedding Anniversary…The wedding took place in Pitlochry on a lovely sunny Day much like Today,and They’re as happy now as They were then,

My Mums remedy for colds and coughs was a hot toddy before bed,I hated it and couldn’t drink it,so My older Sis’ drank it for Me…I still hate the smell of whisky to this day :-p

Mmmmm , homemade lentil soup , coffee and coffee cake sounds lovely to me !