Over 50's Club Scotland (Part 1)

Good Morning Each,a fine mild sunny one here with a bit of a breeze,so have the washing out on the line for a wee while,
Headache long gone,I realized I was dehydrated so had a large glass of water before bed time then again this morning…Note on fridge door.‘REMEMBER TO DRINK WATER’
Have a good one Folks and stay safe.xx

Hi May glad that the headache has gone. I’ve a guilty habit of not drinking enough water. Bought some furllined gloves today to keep my hands warm in the cold weather.

Morning all too dark here to know what the weather will be like today. Forgot to post cards for relatives in Holland. So off to the Post Office first thing this morning.
Later having lunch with a friend who lives near me.
Have a good day everyone.

Good morning. Pouring with rain here at the moment. Hairdressers then a last minute tidy up, then pack my bag to go to my nieces later. We are off to London tomorrow till Friday, Jean enjoy your lunch with your friend later.

Have a great time.Jess. I enjoyed my lunch the place was very quiet nobody at the tables around us. Checked in on the app and then had a lovely Christmas dinner with a bottle or two or Shiraz. Feeling quite warm and cosy now!
Looking for something to watch on the telly now. Have a good night all.

Good morning Each,still quite dark here but dry and mild,

Will clean the outside windows after breakfast and put the Garland on the front door…Groceries being delivered this afternoon so no gallivanting to the shops today,
Have a good one Folks and stay safe and well,xx

Good morning May and all in the Scottish club. Trust you are all keeping well. You sound to be well organised May, from what you write, I wish I could say the same but unfortunately I cannot. Hopefully the weather there is not quite as bad as recently. Have a good day all.

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Good morning to You Young Man,and long time no see :grinning:
Och I’m always organised Baz as I’ve nothing but time on My hands…Hope You are well,
Weather for the weekend here is for frost & fog…hey…it is December,can’t expect anything else.

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Good Evening All…Anyone…Someone

Good evening May. I think everyone is depressed with the covid figures. We are supposed to go to our daughter’s at Christmas but we will wait and see how the figures pan out. Beginning to look like last Christmas.

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Aye,I think You’re right Scot,I’ve arranged for 5 of Us to be here for dinner on the 25th,that’s 3 households including Mine…but,as We now know everything can change in a day,it’s just so unsettling for Everybody not knowing if plans will all have to be changed,or even scrapped altogether…Crossing My fingers for Us all to have a happier Christmas this Year than We did last Year,

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Hear,hear May. Have my doubts too. This omicron is frightening. We are testing everyday at the moment. I was telling a friend this and she scoffed saying if you get you get it. I tried to tell her that the point of testing is to know right away if you have it and isolate so you don’t infect others. I mean some people have no symptoms at all. My Son got his booster tonight so we are all double jabbed and boosted. Neighbours have a big notice on their door saying they are isolating at the moment. Who knows where this is going to end.
Going to bed now have a good book to read to take my mind off all of this before I go to sleep. Night all stay safe.

Afternoon, So cold here today despite the sun being out in a blue sky.
Been pluttering about outside tidying up where I can and pulling a few weeds. Went for my swim early on and didn’t swim, it was surprisingly busy so I hopped into the hottest jucuzzi and stayed there enjoying the heat and the jets…Bliss. :sunglasses: Spent about a half hour relaxing in it before coming back home, am I embarrassed? nope not a bit. :joy:

Good afternoon good People,a horrible foggyish kinda day here,so not going out,in fact I have no intentions of going anywhere soon,fridge/freezers/cupboards filled,so don’t need to go to shops for quite some time…I also see
most of the cars in the Avenue are back on their driveway,so working from Home is back…deja vu!
Off for a run aroon the gairden twice every day until it’s safe to mingle again,lol,
:eyes: :running_woman:
Keep safe & well Folks,xx


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Good evening everybody. Got home this evening after a lovely time away with my nieces. Went to see Moulin Rouge and it was fantastic from start to finish. Then a trip on the Thames and went on the cablecar. Jean glad you enjoyed your lunch with your friend. May and Scott hope you can have the family for lunch. Rox that’s the way I am when I come out the hairdressers and it’s wet and windy.

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Morning, Wall to Wall thick Swirling fog this morning, and it was cold as it’s clamy fingers closed around me. Felt like me and the dog were the only ones in the whole area it was so creepily quiet, even the sound of the ocean was muffled.
Home for the day now and got a pot of soup on and peeled tatties to go with it, having to cook for tonight as we are no longer going out to eat or heading to the pub afterwards…Bloody Covid. :cry:
It looks like Christmas is heading to be another wash out again, sheeezze, will this never end.

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Good afternoon Rox and All,it was a foggy morn here too but the sun has put in an appearance now,

I’ve been sneezing My head off since this morning,but as I haven’t been out anywhere or been in Anyones company for almost a week,I can only put it down to the new shampoo I used for the first in the shower,

Shampooed a couple of rugs so have them outside on
the line,will wash the Kitchen/Bathroom floors,then put My feet up with My book after lunch,

Have a good weekend Folks and try and forget about the dreaded lurgy, :hugs:

Afternoon Roxy May and all who follow. Was foggy and frosty here this morning. Then really sunny but fog still hanging about.
Have my Grandaughter Sophie here today. We are building a chocolate house. Like a gingerbread house but made with Cadburys chocolate. Hope we manage it without eating it !
Think you are right about Christmas,Rox. This wee one here will cheer me up today. Glad to see you are home safe and had a good time, Jess.

This is the fruits of our labours today. Not quite how it looks on the box but not bad considering a lot of the pieces were broken and she is only 5 and I am 71 lol!

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