Hi Bonnie I wont be going into Glasgow while the cop26 is there. Have a massage tomorrow then meeting Jennifer and Claire on Saturday. We’ll have to meet up for lunch and a wee refreshment when its over.
Morning All, My feet haven’t touched all morning, been on the gallop since I got up at 6am. Pool, Chiropractor, Messages and finally dog walking. At last bum is on chair and Latte is in hand…Sighs.
Freezer’s getting low again so it’s time to spend a couple of days with the Slow Cooker and fill it up again. It’s actually quite warm so the back door is open and the hound dog is wandering in and out, but I don’t think the rains far away though.
Have a nice day folks.
Good morning May and all in the Over 50’s Club Scotland, it is still morning isn’t it, I rather overslept this morning and only woke up an hour or so ago?
As others have said May, what you were / are feeling is not unusual. I was like that myself, in fact from when the lockdown started in March 2020 I hardly saw anyone until July the next year when it was relaxed. Trying to get shopping online was impossible, it was a three-week wait and my food supplies were almost nil when it all started. Click and collect had a pick-up point just four miles from me but that was the same, no slots. Family couldn’t help or visit as, like me, they too had underlying health problems. Eventually I did force myself to shop at the supermarket, which was very stressful around so many people. With the fridge and freezer that task I stretched out to once every four weeks, five if I could make the food last. That is something I am still doing and taking the same precautions, unlike many of the shoppers. Anyway, it cannot get any worse so I just go along with what I’ve been doing. I’ve been double-jabbed and am awaiting the booster invitation so there’s not much more I can do.
Ah I see now, I still reckon there’s no ‘normal’ though, we are far too different for there to be. Somehow I doubt we will ever get back to how things once were, there’s been far too many changes but we might get back to somewhere like that, one day.
Just a number May, just a number. As yet I don’t even know what that entitles me to do that’s different so I doubt it will bother me much.
Anyway, have a good day everyone, what there is left of it!
Good Afternoon Lassies & Laddies…it’s a dreich grey windy one here but it’s almost November so can’t expect anything else…Hasn’t time flown?
Didn’t get a lot of groceries in Tesco as the cupboards/freezer are still full,reason being I seem to have lost My appetite since getting the Pfizer booster last Fiday,could this be another side effect I wonder,if so,I hope it lasts long enough for Me to lose the weight I’ve gained over the past 20 months but,bettter keep My eye on the situation,
I’m sorry to see the Welsh club seems to have gone by the wayside,what a shame as They’ve been on the Site
as long as We have,hope the regular Members who posted on it are all ok…off for a cuppa though I seem to have lost My taste for tea too…strange!
May I haven’t noticed that people aren’t posting on the Welsh site. I used to pop in there now and again. Anne still posts on FB, along with Sweet Sue and Anne Betty and a few of the others. Walked down into town and it was dry, bought a jumper in M&CO where its paper bags. It started raining so I had to go into Tesco for milk and buy a bag in there.
Maybe it’s just time for them to have a break, it happens in this thread as well. So much has changed since the makeover. I expect they will be back when they’re ready.
That’s an early swim lass. I wish I could swim now though. I need a chiropractor. My back hasn’t been right since my 10 3/4 hour wait for a blood test 2 weeks ago. Luckily I have health coverage.
I hope your Scotland forum section stays open for you all. I know how much you like it.
Thanks Bratti I hope this thread stays open. Good morning everybody, still some showers here this morning. Taking plastic bags to the foodbank this morning and get some shopping while I’m out. Going for a massage later this afternoon.
Good morning all,been lashing down with rain all night,and My tv is on the blink…tivo box not working,and I can’t reboot it…wharra palavar trying to get a Virgin Engineer to call out to fix it,You’d think They were doing Me a big favour!!..I’ve been with Them for 16 yrs and never had to get an engineer out…time for a change Methinks
The Scottish club will only fall by the wayside if We all stop posting,can’t see that happening any time soon
See Ye A’ later,xx
Good afternoon. May hope you get an engineer out to fix your tv. I’ve got a BT box and I’m quite happy with that. I hope we don’t fall by the wayside I enjoy our wee chats on here. Just back from the shops and having a well fired roll with ham and cheese coleslaw.
Afternoon Folks, Slept in this morning and been chasing my tail ever since. Wet here as well AND the Weather App on my phone says wet all the rest of the week. It’s this Saturday the clocks go back isn’t it? then Sunday all the little “cough cough,” Angels come round demanding money. Sheeeze when I think of the palather my sisters and I went through on Guising Night, no free ride for us, we had to earn our treats.
Hi Bratti, Yes it’s aye an early swim for me, I’m usually in the pool for 7am, do my 40 and have a soak in one of the Jacuzzis. Sets me up for the day. Hope you get your back fixed soon, I have to pay for my Chiropractor but it’s worth it. Don’t ever want to go through that awful pain again that sent me to him in the first place. I just get an ajustment every 4 weeks now, stop any trouble before it starts.
Engineer Coming Tomorrow between 12-3pm Jessie…I wonder if I’ll be expected to ‘take the knee’ when/if They turn up (joke)
My bedroom tv is freeview,but it’s a hit n miss with how many channels I can get on any given day…Oh for the auld days when living was so much easier…last week it was My smart phone,this week cable tv,I wonder what next week will bring…no broadband/powercuts??..Och I’m scunnered with it all
Afternoon all this weather is depressing! Had a great day with my rellies yesterday. Ate too much though!
My wee Grandaughter was very sick last night, running a temp and coughing all the time. Another Covid test for her just waiting for the result now. She had viral pneumonia when she was a toddler and was rushed into resuscitation so have to be really vigilant with our wee Sophie. It’s always something.
Hope you get your TV sorted May. I do long for the old days too. Life was simpler.
Enjoy your massage Jess.
Would love to start swimming again Rox.
Have a good Thursday folks.
Btw Jes lunch and a wee refreshment sounds good after this Cop thingie is finished. Anybody fancy joining us? Looking at you Oor May.!
An early morning swim with a nice relaxing hot tub & sauna is a fabulous way to start off the day. My swimming days are over until spring.
I’m waiting until the inflammation goes down some so the chiropractor can do some worthy manipulations easier.
I’ve been going to chiropractors since I was a kid. My parents believed in holistic healing.
I think my Pilates exercise machine is putting strain on my lower back. I’m going to call them tomorrow.
Have your leaves changed yet? ( anyone )
yes @Bratti leaves changed qnd fallen which is just as well as very windy here and would bring down alot of trees if they still had there leaves cheers Caveman
Thanks Caveman. Most of our leaves have changed and then we had a few very windy days which have taken most of the leaves down but it’s still very beautiful
my favourite time of year autumn and spring
The colour not to hot not to cold just nice have a good day
Good morning everybody. Don’t mind Autumn as long as its not to wet and cold. May hope the engineer turns up on time and maybe gives you a new box. Roxy enjoy your swim this morning. I remember Halloween when we dressed up in what was available. Jean hope Sophie is ok. Enjoyed my massage yesterday and felt better for it. Hairdressers this morning then meeting Elizabeth for a wee while.
Good Morning Folks,another day of heavy rain by the looks of things,but I still don’t know what’s happening with getting My tv fixed…Engineer was supposed to be coming today between 12-4pm,then I got a text saying They’ve ‘put My service visit on hold while They investigate a network problem’ whatever the hell that means,haven’t heard another peep out of Them and the whole virgin media website was down last night …Broadbands a bit iffy this morning too,so if You don’t hear from me for a while.You’ll know the reason why…Have a good weekend All,xx
Yes and are fast falling down to the ground. Next job will be raking them all up off the lawn I suppose, but it will have to wait untill a day with no wind. This pic was taken a couple of weeks ago you can see the colours changing here. Have you checked out our Scottish Photo Album Thread? You may find that intersting, here’s the link.
Scottish Clubs Photo Album - General Chat / General Photos & Art - Over 50s Chat