Outrage as Chinese online shopping site shipped out 'mystery boxes' filled with live puppies, kittens

As part of a “fun” fad, people pay low prices to companies in China to have a mystery box sent to them domestically. This time, a bunch of subhumans were sending live puppies and kittens off to people in plastic containers. Several suffocated and starved. Fortunately, an animal rights group got wind of it, caught them in the act and saved many.


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That is just sick!

That’s shocking! :twisted:

I despair at the Chinese, I really do. They seem to have no compassion toward any living being. It’s no wonder they started a World pandemic.



I so agree with you Dongles.
That is both sick, and unforgiveable.
What absolute morons. :twisted:

Chinese have never been known for their love and compassion for animals; or each other for that matter.

That’s appalling…so sick to think of this as a fun thing to do.

Where are all these baby animals coming from in the first place?
Do they have puppy farms there?

Are these half-wits that order them wanting them to cook?

Of course, we must accept that we British are not much better.

Fox hunting - despite being illegal.

Dog fighting - that’s why we hear so much of people’s pets - both dogs and cats - being stolen and used for ‘training’ their fighting dogs.

Yobs attacking wild animals for ‘fun’ - shooting them with crossbows, etc. Only yesterday I saw a picture on Facebook showing how some mindless young yobs had somehow managed to place a long sock over the head of a swan which, of course, was then unable to feed and had difficulty in breathing.

I know what I’d do to all of these people - if I could get away with it.

Absolutely JBR. Me too. In fact no matter how low some humans can go in how they treat those of their own species, The absolute lowest of all are those that prey and abuse creatures that are totally at their mercy. Creatures that have neither the mental or physical resources to defend themselves against the “superior” humans. I see thsee low lives at about the same level as those that exploit and abuse small children. They re-invent the term “gutless”.

badger baiting does that still continue? venison still on the menu? - I once spent some time in Asia with some chinese populations and whilst I was occasionally offered dog or cat for dinner [politely refused] I also became aware of little old men and ladies walking their pet dogs each day - carefully controlled on leads with their plastic doggy bags on hand to collect the ‘poops’ and pop it in the nearest public bin.

Yep. I’m an “old man” …I guess. Have to face it sooner or later. I pick up after my dog when I take him out every day too. But I love him; and most other dogs as well. And I’d (at least try) to knock any bastard’s block off who tried to hurt him - as he would do for me. :slight_smile: I can’t stand the thought of him being even accidently hurt let alone subjected to wanton cruelty. There are plenty of dinky di good ol’ Aussie scumbags who are cruel to animals but at least it’s not , at best ignored , then condoned and at worst even encouraged in our culture. SOme cultures simply do not respect animal life. They just don’t. As far as consuming animal products goes, yes I do all the time. Chicken, beef, lamb, seafood. All of it. There’s a difference between killing and eating animals and their produce (eggs etc) for food and killing just for fun or gambling, involving unnecessary death and cruelty. LIke cock fighting, greyhound blooding and all the other crap, Cultural differences?..bullshit. That’s just a cop out. Cruelty is cruelty. Does the animal think as it’s suffering to death “Oh that’s OK…They’re Chinese. THat;s the way they do things…Shouldn’t judge…Goodness me!.that would be racist!”

well I must admit that my experience in asia a few years back did lead me to believe that the chinese who killed and ate dog and cat were not particularly “kind” as we understand it towards most animals. But they did love their little canaries in expensive fancy cages and would take them out to the town square - and hang them up for them to get fresh air I suppose and meet the other birds AND show them off to their other collectors. I will not smear this page however in describing their methods of killing dogs and cats

Thanks yes best not. I don’t know the details but I can imagine. It’s not just total disregard for the pain the animal may suffer though as in the case of greyhound trainers etc . From some of my observations with Asians, particularly Chinese is that the cruelty sometimes go to another level. There seems to be a deliberate effort put in to making the creature suffer as much as possible. As in the case of lobster cooking and some of the things I have heard of being done to live monkeys. Now I am not claiming to have first hand sightings of this behaviour but when you hear something so many times you tend to think there must be something in it. Especially when Chinese people themselves will describe various practises that were common in their homeland. Some have been surprised that these things are not acceptable here and to a lesser extent others are actually indignant that we don’t approve of it. On my honour, this is true I actually had one Chinese visitor saying that the fact that we don’t allow this kind of cruelty to animals is racist!..Do you believe that!? He said that the pain that some animals suffer when they die enhances the flavour. Have you heard that? I have only been to Hong Kong and Singapore. My first Hand experience in Asia is not great. But some parts of any major Australian city may as well be somewhere in Asia. The culture is fantastic as is the food but I’d rather eat porridge than be a part of that kind of cruelty. There’s a humane and inhumane way to end any animals life. Like prawns for instance. If you chuck them in fresh water they lose all sentience and die apparently. Then you can cook them. Not just throw them in boiling water. THat kind of thing. If somebody can’t declare that the animal I am buying to eat has not suffered unnecessarily, I won’t buy it…really.

I think lobsters and crabs are best frozen to death and then popped into boiling water later perhaps.

Yes, I’m aware of the practice of throwing live lobsters into boiling water, though I’ve never witnessed it. I believe they claim it improves the flavour, but I can’t see any sense in that.
I have only once eaten lobster. Never again.
(Apart from anything else, the messing about trying to break open the shell for a minuscule amount of meat inside isn’t worth it.)


Cruelty is universal.

Acceptance of it is not.

we have very large lobsters over here which the Chinese are refusing to trade atm - bullies after all - all we took was a barren rock off of them?