Outrage as Chinese online shopping site shipped out 'mystery boxes' filled with live puppies, kittens

I’m not sure to what extent the Australians support us (or otherwise) in our fight with the EU but, as far as I’m concerned, we would support you against the Chinese.

Horrible and cruel race. They put tiny fish in tiny plastic keyring whilst they are still alive. Obviously the poor fish suffocated. And people buy these? What the hell. Cruellest and barbaric race. Those poor pups and kittens, I want to cry hearing and knowing this grrrrrrrr

Marge once suggested that we have a holiday in China one day.
I’ve gone off the idea.
The Great Wall may be interesting, but I think if I saw this or any of the other things people have mentioned on here, I’d just want to leave.

And they claim that they are one of the oldest civilisations in the world and developed things that we here wouldn’t have dreamed of in those days.
All I can say is that they must have regressed seriously over the centuries.

And we would support you against the Chinese also. Thed Chinese are proving more and more every day that they are only concerned with themselves. They have no real regard for anybody else in the world really. They think we are all “useful idiots”…Their Achillies heel is their arrogance and their assumption that they are fooling everybody. They aren’t. As far as the uk and europe goes, we have no choice but to keep our noses out of your business. That is if it remains a war of economics and trade fights etc. WE would try to do our best to help matters, not make them worse. BUt we don’t like being pressured to take sides in these situations. But…If it got too hot, as i said before then we would probably be standing between you. AS would be the US, Canada, New Zealand. etc. You would have to kill your closest allies, those who have stood by you for over 100 years before you’d be able to kill each other. I’m old fashioned. I believe in peace keeping rather than war making. I believe in standing by your friends. But having the guts to tell them when they are behaving badly. :slight_smile: I don’t think Britain ever needs to be concerned about who has their back.

Well that’s nice of you to say, but I didn’t really mean to suggest you should come and fight for us! I was thinking of moral support.
No, we have nothing to fear militarily from the EU and certainly not France.

Venison is still “on the menu”, Bret. Usually from farmed animals these days but some does come from culled wild deer, especially in Scotland where the larger herds are. I tried it once, very strong flavour IIRC.

So they say. I’ve only eaten lobster once (at a seafood restaurant on the west coast of France near La Rochelle). The sauce it came in had more flavour, the lobster itself was tasteless. Give me a good Norfolk or Cornish crab any day.

Haw!..no worries. I wasnt meaning fighting. I meant peacekeeping. Of course we would provide moral support. If everybody worked towards a win…win solution…there always is one somewhere. If it was obvious that each side was just interested in win at all costs…well that never works and we would stay out of it.

All I’m interested in is obtaining what we once had: our independence and our territories.
That is all. I want nothing belonging to another country. Just what is rightfully ours.
That is what I voted for and that is what I would fight for.

Can’t argue with that. :slight_smile:

:023: :023:


do the french still eat horse? and the scots that poor animal haggis? I used to enjoy a good rabbit in my day - I always assumed they were British? whilst turkey has never turned me on - too dry? Yes I suppose we could design a sort of world barometer of " cruelty to animals associated with culinary pleasures"

I remember once watching a doco about the murdering of dolphins in one of the in shore bays of one of the Scandanavian countries?? that was very sickening and I just could not continue even viewing it! - Those Nords etc come from a very bloody stock of murdering heh?

the exportation of cattle came to an abrupt halt in OZ a few years back you may recall when animal activists shot film of cattle being barbarically attacked whilst being off loaded from ships in one of the far eastern countries?

and then closer to home there was a national outcry in OZ not just a few years back of how racing horses were being treated once they were consider “no longer fit for racing” and so the list goes on and on and on.
who is the saddist of them all I wonder those who put spurs on their cockerels or those who deliberately breed killer dogs for sport?

I don’t know who is worse Bret. I don’t enter into discussions about religion or the existence of any kind of god any more. It’s pointless. Same with Aliens, ghosts and other imaginary creatures in the sky. But I do have a very strong belief as to why we (humans) are all here. The final answer to the grand question of the reason for human existence to me is simple. We are here to look after each other, our children, the animals and the planet. We are here to help the animals and the rest of the living things to survive. Live off them and use them for food if necessary but always respect them. Simple because we have the biggest brain and can do things they can’t. It’s our responsibility and our job to do that. Just because we can. All of our intellect, accumulated knowledge, wisdom and skill should be devoted to just that. All the rest is just window dressing. It’s just “stuff” and the quest for it is driven by greed. And that “stuff” that everybody thinks they need is obtainable by less and less people all the time. Some of it only for the very rich. And the rest of us can go to hell. It’s like, as I said, a lowlife scum sucking oxygen thief that abuses and exploits children is the same. Anybody who deliberately causes unnecessary pain to a defenceless animal needs to be whacked…In both the literal and New Jersey colloquial sense. My wife, son and I saw that footage of those little shit bags kicking and beating those cattle with iron bars. All three of us were in tears of rage. I better stop here.

Funnily enough, there was a brief item on Portillo’s Train Journey programme on last Thursday evening where he visited a Newmarket trainer of ex-racehorses. This lady was retraining ex-racehorses (and racing “no-hopers”) so they could be used for showjumping, eventing, etc.

My wife works for a veterinary pharmaceutical company and has also worked in animal rescue…mostly dogs and native marsupials and birds. Dogs and horses that are threatened have at least a little defence as they can bite or kick. That often doesn’t help much but at least it’s something. But apart from the big kangaroos who can tear you apart if you provoke them, our gentle little native animals haven’t usually got an aggressive bone in their beautiful little bodies. So they are very vulnerable to cruelty. My wife has seen some horrendous things done to these little creatures. One of her greatest moments of satisfaction was when she helped the rangers and local police track down a gang of thugs who were abusing native animals. Long story short, they did time. Not enough IMO but something. An interesting thing I can share is that many years ago, as part of my studies, I was looking at torture and who carries it out. Not so much the political aspect of it, like who orders it and what they want to achieve by it; but the actual people that physically carry it out. Their psychological makeup and the kind of people that not only are able to dispassionately do these things to their fellow human beings but who are actually proud enough of their “craft” that they write manuals on how to do it effectively. – I saw one of these written in Spanish – One thing that stood out about these people was how many of them had been deriving pleasure from causing others pain since their childhoods. Many started by torturing small animals

They can then grow up to be serial murderers aka Jeremy Dalmer

Keezoy has the live meat export trade stopped in Australia ?

I know NZ has banned all live meat export .

The ‘wastage ‘ in the racing business is huge .
Not all horses run or run fast enough .
The problem is that because they race them as two years old ( totally unnecessarily ) they are often damaged .
Their bones and joints are not always fully developed and injuries to their back and legs are common .
Also it takes time and money to retrain as a racehorse is not educated just given enough training to accept a saddle and rider and run .

Anything to do with cruelty to animals offends me highly.
I have experienced examples of the outcome, as I have mentioned before on this forum, and I should certainly support much more realistic punishments for all of those excuses for human beings who participate in such behaviour.


Horses are vegetarian and a good source of protein.

Stupid not to eat them.

We eat a lot worse.