Our Weather Here In Devon

I have never known such cold weather for June. It’s so cold I’ve had the heating on all day & it’s on a thermostat but it’s been running most of the day. Pouring with rain too & windy.
Yesterday was passable but with a chill wind.
Is it climate change, are our Springs/Summers getting like our Autumns/Winters? Soon the weather will be the same all year round if this keeps happening.
We have rain forecast for the next few days, Great!
I go out in a jumper & jacket when I should be in tees & no outer clothing.
Is it just here in Devon or is the rest of our country having the same climate?
I want our Summer back please.


Perhaps AMOC has reached its tipping point?

Temperatures dropping by 4°C per decade? Sounds cold to me!

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It reached a top of 10c here yesterday.I know it’s winter BUT…I want my money back!

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I feel your pain, Tiff…here in Scotland we already have the “terrible weather” reputation, but oh my gosh, recently I have been layering up, wearing my winter woolies, have my heating on, etc , etc.

This time last year it was 26 degrees and I was doing plenty in the garden. Now though, I just want to be warm and cosy…its ridiculous! Top temp today will be 14 degrees :angry:

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In Dorset its been chilly and quite thick clouds . The wind is bitey and yesterday i had my gas fire and warm slippers on . I’m hoping the sun comes out for the holidaymakers and school holidays .

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Still needing to wear a jumper indoors and jacket outdoors but haven’t needed to have the heating on (London)

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It has been a bit chilly here in Sussex over the last few days, nothing dramatic but not exactly t shirt weather either .Thundery showers today and a balmy high of 18 degrees.

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It’s 80f or 26c here in Florida. It’s been raining a bit but Elon isn’t sending any rockets up this week so we are good to go.


I live just a mile inland along the south coast and our weather is also cold and wet in a chilling wind, but hey, this is global warming and we the people are to blame …yeah right! It’s actually all down to an anomaly in the high up jet stream that has unseasonably been buffeted by the latest solar storm. These storms usually run in approx 11yr cycles so as soon as the jet stream returns to it’s normal route so will our summer.


Was like that here last year & now 14c here too.

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You aren’t far from me so weather similar to yours.

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It usually is warmer in London than elsewhere.

Lucky you. :grinning:

Thanks, LD.

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Better than here though.

We have sun today, but still not very warm. Our weather is totally weird.

My heating hasnt been off yet , im in east sussex uk
And its so damn windy, chilly and cloudy
Im thinking its because im opposite the sea , but even inland its the same ,with thunderstorms and rain forecast for the weekend
It looks like no end to this weather
Our summers now seem to be sept , oct , and november ,

Its been 14 the highest here in east sussex , no higher

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My heating is off today as it was slightly warmer at 15c. Now getting very cloudy & sun gone.

Forecast was for rain today, but it’s later coming than they said. I want our Summer back.