Our Weather Here In Devon

Sorry to hear that most of you are still having cold, rainy weather. It was like that for us, during the whole month of May, when we should have had sunshine with temperatures in 20s. It’s finally warmed up now, no more jackets, but mornings and evenings are still too chilly for this time of year. There’s definitely something wrong with our climate. I know I shouldn’t complain, but we are in the Mediterranean and I miss our long, hot Summers which used to start in May and end in October :grin:

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Twinned With >> Perros-Guirec, France
Mostly cloudy, 3:10 PM
15 °C

  • Precipitation: 47%
  • Humidity: 91%
  • Wind: 14 mph

Bingo .Across Le Manche.[Up our Sleeve] :laughing:
17 °C

  • Precipitation: 52%
  • Humidity: 77%
  • Wind: 15 mph
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Guess what, yes, we have rain yet again. If our water companies shout drought in a month or so I shall shoot them. :smiley: :smiley:


Here in the south east corner ( North Kent) we often miss the extremes of bad weather. A heavy shower just stopped and one over night but some spells of sunshine yesterday - hope it brightens up later today. I think it is a couple of degrees warmer today but has been down to 14 degrees C. Definitely jumpers and fleeces. I’m still wearing a winter vest!

Privet hedge has grown back this year as it was scorched a couple of years ago and very patchy last year. I was on the verge of removing it! Strawberries and cherries ripening ok! Roses flowering well. Not much need to water things but unfortunately an abundance of very small and bigger snails and slugs!


Fed up generally with the weather this year. Here in Lancing, West Sussex the rain etc seems to be timed with weekends, so reasonable in week, whilst at work, then rains at weekend when I have outside things to do. Arrgggghhhhhh.


Welcome Dozypillock!

Fortunately I more or less retired about 18 to 20 months ago so have a lot more time during the week. There is nothing better than having a leisurely coffee and sandwich about 11.45 am on a Monday morning and sneaking off to the allotment if the weather is fine. I always enjoyed skiving off and this seems too good to be true. Well! See if it lasts unless I get bored. Although much to do at this time of the year to keep the plot tidy and well stocked.


Welcome Dozypillock.
I get called that a lot too.


Off to a car boot sale, weather is iffy today. Have a good day everyone.


Rain, Rain Go Away!!!

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I love the West Country but I much prefer the drier weather here in the east / south east.

I’m not convinced it’s climate change, a few yrs ago France had one long grey yr according to all the French folk we met during that yr

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Can’t make up its mind here. Lowestoft.

I want to hang bedding out but have had to resort to tumble drying, dehumidifier or windows open. It’s ok for now but has tried to rain on and off.

Switched the heater on in the night that is beside my bed. Still having the electric blanket on. Glad I no longer have my allotment.

I want summer…


I was always a Devon, Dorset, Sussex type fan but lately I am drawn to Suffolk and Norfolk coastal, massive open spaces, huge sandy beaches, relatively dry.

Dunwich reminds me of The New Forest. I am thinking of a night there soon on my own at The Ship Hotel.

Fingers crossed for weather, right now I’m in just shorts, pretty hot here with sporadic cloud


Blimey, it was warm at the car boot in Cornwall. Amazing! No rain til we came back into Devon. Typical that.


Typical devon…when i lived there ,im sure i lived under a cloud , :cloud_with_rain: :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: :umbrella:


Love the new forest !

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Global Warming? Its Global Cooling around these parts.
“Shiver me Timbers”.
Mid June and in a Puffer Jacket. :cold_face:


Been quite nice today, probably the best so far this year. Blue sky, the odd white cloud, 23 deg., feels like 23, or more, I think summer might be coming.

:sunny: :sunglasses::sunny:

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Summer has come back for now. Warm & sunny all day. :grinning:


Global warming my ass, when has British weather ever been predictable?


Global Warming, they don’t call it that any more. It’s now Climate Change.

Climate Change my ass, when has the British weather ever not been changeable?