That sounds a good idea—as long as you are happy , that is the main thing.
I ended up with a ham roll at lunchtime
plus a pepper, onion and mushroom omlette this evening.
That sounds a good idea—as long as you are happy , that is the main thing.
I ended up with a ham roll at lunchtime
plus a pepper, onion and mushroom omlette this evening.
Two pounds down this week. It’s hard at first not to cave to my cravings, but eventually my body gets used to being a little hungry. It’s funny, I haven’t felt true blue hunger in a long time. But by restricting my calories, I’m feeling it now, I am.
Oh well, it’s something I need to do. Not only for the good of my cholesterol and blood pressure, but I better watch myself as I’m getting older because diabetes runs in my family. My mother died from complications of it. Plus I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with my son, so that puts me at double risk. I’m not so much concerned with esthetic reasons now. Not like I was when I was younger. Now it’s more about health.
Hi all, sorry I’ve not been on here for a few days, but I’ve been very depressed lately, haven’t gained or loss any weight but my Diabetes is getting to me, it seems to be high all the time, even when I put my Insulin up a lot higher, its still high, anyway here goes.
Breakfast: Special K flakes, soya milk. Tea.
Lunch: Chicken Kiev, small jacket potato and broccoli. Tea.
Supper: Don’t know yet.
Well done Linda—and Susie—I have been stressed lately too-did not go to Slimming world last week–but will go on Wednesday. things are settling down for me again.
I am amazed that I have managed to cut down on bread—a lot–I love bread—but now i buy a small wholemeal l,oaf–it will last me more than a month. Just eat Ryvitas and Rice cakes instead. or Nothing !! So no spreads either–not even the low fat ones–I guess thats a bonus too.
breakfast ryvita cottage cheese grapes
lunch pasta and veg salad
tonight–grilled white fish–carrot and orange spiralised veg,
PS–I saw a new cereal advertised—I rarely eat cereal becuase of the sugar content–but this was by Special K- Nutrition—with berries, nuts and oat flakes [I think]–but need to check the sugar–but it looked really nice.
lol if its nice you can’t have it Mariana.
Can I join please? I gave up smoking just over a year ago and my weight has piled on, not with snacking so much as not eating a main meal. I live by myself and I just think what the point of cooking just for me.
But I got on the scales this morning and seem to have put a lot on! no, I won’t tell you how much, but enough to make me do something about it.
So I have got out a diet I used to follow, and I know it works, so today is the first day.
Of course you may join in Marion-welcome to our group.You are like me–I live on my own, and could not be bothered for myself—too easy to do a cheese toasty lol. But I have changed radically—I started originally just giving up a few things for Lent–and lost about 10 pounds—but I felt so much better, could wear clothes that have not seen the light of day for many years----so its all good so far. !!
Quite a few suggestions so far on various meals that everyone is eating–me–I still like to keep it simple–but nourishing. Thats the plan anyway…
Its the berries in the flakes that makes my sugar levels high Mariana, that’s the problem, I love fruit but many of them I can’t have.
I know what you mean–when I watched Sugar Free Fam on Tv-I was anazed to see they were not allowed any fruit to start with–and then only one a day.
On Slimming World you can eat as much fruit as you like–I like to make a sugar free Jelly-orange flavour, and cut up some mandarins–or similar to set in the jelly—makes a lovely desert with fat free Quark–it would be really hard to give up fruit—but if youve got no choice…its tough !!
Special K, ahs imo, been one of the great media hyped cons for dieters for some years now.
The 3rd ingredient on the list is sugar.
Where most other manufacturers express their nutrition information, per 100g of product, Special K doesn’t. It is expressed per serving size which they deem to be 31g. A nice trick and way to make it harder for punters to accurately judge the sugar content compared to other products. So to the truth.
There are 4g of sugar in 31g of product, 4g = 1 teaspoonful of sugar. That means there are approx. 13g of sugar in 100g of product i.e. 3 teaspoonfuls). This is just the “original” Special K. If you are eating the other versions with fruit and nuts then the sugar content rises of course !
I encourage those of you thinking this is a good food choice, to first measure out 31g of special K. Then crumble it all to dust in your hands and place it beside a teaspoonful of sugar.
This is why dieters often fail. They are often poorly educated, nowhere near cynical enough about the world and the mega-corporations’ desire to addict you to sugar at every conceivable point. You HAVE to treat this as a war. A war on your health and against humanity as a whole.
Every poor decision such as this just adds more and more to the total amount of sugar you are taking in each day. The sugar will give you a brief energy boost and then leave you fatigued and hungry shortly afterward leaving you unhappy and possibly reaching for snacks.
If you are seriously wanting to lose weight, if you are intent on doing diets, then get sugar out of your life. If you do just one thing, let it be that. Declare an embargo on sugar, say “no more” and rid yourself of the addiction and it’s constant screwing of your body and mind.
Special K Red Berries - 9g sugar (2 teaspoons) per 31g serving.
Special K Fruit & Nut - 7.8g sugar (2 teaspoons) per 40g serving
thanks, I know that is great advice–but I do not intend to buy until i have read the info on the back–this is a new product—maybe they are realising that not everyone wants loads of sugar —I have cut out as much sugar from my food as I possibly can, so I wouldnt buy unless i am sure that it is really really low on sugar…
Today was:
Breakfast: 2 Toast.
Lunch: Beef in Pastry, 1 boiled potato, beans.
Supper: Sandwich
Had 1 apple.
crispbread cottage cheese–grapes
wrap with hoummous
pasta and veg salad
sugar free jely and lite youghurt
Sounds good Mariana.
Breakfast: Special K
Lunch: Homemade Curry & Rice.
Supper: ?
I lost 2 pounds at Sloimmimg world today
Breakfast crispbread cottage cheese orange
Just fruit tea I was out
tonight–mushroom omelette- slice wholemeal bread
Well done Mariana, all the hard work is paying off.
fish and chips and mushy peas tonight for me, but making it all myself, dry frying the fish, making my own oven chips with spray oil but nothing can beat a tin of mushy peas.
Breakfast: 2 Toast.
Lunch: Chicken Breasts, Roast dinner.
Supper: Soup.
Thanks ! Hope you enjoyed your meal–not quite my thing–i do not like chips whatever way, nor mushy peas.
But I saw a recipe the other day for cooking fish without batter–take an egg, separate–beat the white till white and fluffy–fold the yolk in, cover the fish, and bake–so its like a kind of meringue on top—it tasted a bit like fish with a thin omelete on top. it was Ok–but I would not do it again-maybe I needed to mix the white a bit more.
I guess some things you just cannot mess with !!!