Our Official Slimming Club Thread - open to everyone

Realist, The good thing is, Slimming World, the trainer and the gym is costing me nothing. I was referred by my Doctor and l’m not on benefits either! I don’t take sugar or have it on anything.
If was following the trainer’s recommended diet which was eating five meals a day, that l only lost half a pound! I am back on the Slimming World diet now, even though it means living on fruit, vegetables and salads! I have more energy and my hair seems healthier than usual. My blood pressure is down too!

You are so lucky–Im sure of more doctors could provide this service for their patients, in the end it would be more cost effective. i am a single pensioner, and although I get a redused rate 35p less a week–it is still a struggle, and goimng to a gym is completely out of my reach–I just walk as much as I am able. But the whole point of going to a slimming club is the support you get—when you live alone you just do not get that support–its that simple. !!

This I wholeheartedly agree with. Dieting is what made me fat. Along with simply eating more calories than my body needed. But all the yo-yo dieting I went through for years upon years contributed, I sincerely believe, to my weight gain and then struggling with my weight later in life like I am now. Back in the day, in my early 20’s, I was even borderline anorexic. I literally starved myself to the point where just eating a half of a sandwich made me sick.

My sister was bulimic.

So both of us have had food issues from an early age.

Mariana, Why don’t you ask your doctor? It’s because my BMI is over 30 and my cholesterol has risen to 6.9. He suggested statins and l flatly refused saying l would get it down naturally. I think that’s why he referred me to Fitness Futures who arranged Slimming World, instructor/ trainer for the gym.
There are lots of women at Slimming World and at the gym who have been referred too.

I went to my doctor, the very first time you mentioned this. She had no idea what I was talking about and had never heard of it being advised by the medical profession. Basically she had no advice for me. i did not ask for any tablets, i do not want to go that way. My BMI is maybe about 35 now, but at one time was about 43. I do not know about my cholesterol, she never suggests checking it–last time, several years ago it was a little on the high side, but not enough to be concerned about.

Going to a quiz tonight–so jst made up some sardone and mackeral pate–like i made the other night–and take some celery sticks-then I wont be tempted to eat their biscuits, crisps,cakes, chocolates etc.They are so easy to dip into without even thinking about it. Oh and a bottle of water for me–no juice or wine. !!!

I’m back to eating My normal 3 meals a day and been cooking for the freezer Today…I’ve also just demolished 2 choc’ & caramel cornettos…:shock:…I can feel the slippery slope starting already :blush:

Go for it May, why not!

We had:

Homemade Lasagna and Salad to dinner.

Tonight was a Chicken Roll.

I didn’t eat much at all yesterday. A bowl of hot cooked oats, a hard-boiled egg and the occasional picking of a snack here and there. Went to bed early last night, never did have any dinner. Just wasn’t hungry.

I’ll make up for it tonight, I’m sure, as we’re getting pizza. I’m not super fond of pizza, so I usually get myself a veggie sub or one with grilled chicken, so that’s most likely what I’ll end up with.

We all hit those slopes. What I’ve heard others say, if you hit the slopes, is to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start again. We can’t be perfect eaters all of the time :wink:

Mariana, This is the leaflet l was given…

Today we are having a fry-up, myself:

1 fried egg, 2 bacon, mushrooms, a few bakebeans.

Tonight: Maybe soup.

Years ago, the Doctor put me on Statins, and I ended up, that I couldn’t walk, it affected me really badly and ended up in Hospital, who took me off them and now everything is fine, I don’t even know why they put me on them, because at the time my cholestral was only 4.6, but they said all Diabetics need to go them. I’m talking about 14 years ago, I’ve changed Doctors since then.

thanks–Ill check out that website when I get back from church–may took the info along to my doctor !!

Does anyone else have problems keeping regular–logically you would think with extra veg and fruit that there would not be a problem-even drinking extra water too–but sometimes I go 2 days or more with nothing happening–and it makes me feel really rough ! Not sure what else i can do --any ideas anyone ?

Mariana, I don’t have any trouble in that way but l am drinking 2 litres of tap water a day.
Here is the the rest of the info in the leaflet…

The last page…

Thank you so much—I know I am drinking nowhere near 2 litres a day—but even so drinking more than before…I must try and up my intake bit by bit.

Put a teaspoonful of Epsom salts in a glass of water first thing in the morning or last thing at night Mariana…that’ll get Your mojo working again :wink:

Epsom salts–dont think ive tried that–is it the same as Andrews ???

today i had
crispbreads cottage cheese pinapple
crispbreads houmous , fresh fruit salad
salmon–chopped raw veg–peppersm, celery tomatoes spring onion, mange tout.

muller lite yoghurt.

I had a Lean Cuisine (spaghetti) and 8 wheat crackers.

Oh and a few bites of potato salad when I got home from work. I was starving, hahaha.

Dinner tonight is Taco Bell, a couple of my favorites, which are already counted in with my calories.