Ornamental Clutter In Cars! What's In Yours?

Do you have things dangling from your rear view mirror? A mascot on the dashboard? A soft toy somewhere or a nodding dog? A sticker even?
Or maybe you think they are hazardous?
Come on tell me! I’d love to hear what you have in your car!!

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Furry Dice and Nodding dogs were not for me, at best a air freshner. A good sound system was more important.

Art ive seen cars on occassion which have had the rear windows crammed full of silly little soft toys ,these take up the whole window area so they cant possibly see anything behind them so it is dangerous …I hate to see it ,it certainly gives me an impression of the person who drives the car,and its not a good one!

I have two small furry black and white hearts hanging from my rear view mirror ,I dont really like seeing too much dangling in drivers views lol…cars are to be driven theyre not play areas.

I have never had anything like that in my car apart from a hanging air freshener. My current one is a big smiley. :lol:

Yes cobwebs on the mirror and dead leaves and bits of straw on the dashboard :lol: a reminder that my car is due its yearly clean :mrgreen:

Nothing that could be got by the dogs, but we do have various dog toys on the back shelf and various leads hanging over the front seats, car pockets full of rolls of poo bags and wet wipes for those yukky moments, oh and a box of tissues.

I have an assortment of shopping bags that I always forget to use and end up buying more!!

That sounds more like my house! I have 5 chihuahuas with boxes of toys, chews and poo bags in every corner!

The only thing I have got in my car is an angel charm which hangs from the front mirror. It is low enough that it does not block my view.

I do keep shopping bags in the boot for when we go shopping. But they are hidden away.

If we are including the boot then I have a table in mine, keep meaning to take it to the caravan but jump in my husbands car and we are usually over half way there before we say the table :mrgreen: think it’s become a permanent fixture :-p

Yes, we have that too & as fast as you clear them off the little buggers re-spin them.:mrgreen:

Yes these as well. Some in the boot but also some behind the front seats & yes we often go off shopping & forget to take any with us.:slight_smile:

My son a few weeks back…

“Dad!..for Christs sake you’ve got moss growing round your windows!”

It gets cleaned (quickly) on MOT week…:mrgreen:

We had a lot of moss on ours, as my OH was too ill to drive it, since Daughter has taken the car over, it has been cleaned out.:slight_smile:

I have a nodding Ozzy Osbourne air freshener.

The wing mirrors are as bad can’t see through them without clearing cobwebs :lol:

I have moss around the windows too :slight_smile: very decorative :lol:

I have a nodding dog on the dash. Not my choice but hers. I also take the spiders for a free ride and for them to see the sites. Makes a change for them.

My wife! Not so much a clutter, more a permanently switched on sat nav. " Turn right here!..slow down!..watch out for those lights!.. there’s a pothole in the road!" Must read the instruction book that came with her and find out where the off switch is. It’s too late to ask her Mum or Dad.

No clutter of any kind in my car Art, it is a Jaguar and I treat it with respect.

No clutter in my car, the Chauffer takes care of it all :lol:

Malcolm, Don’t you have, ‘Malcolm 4 Mrs Malcolm’ on the windscreen?

Do you remember when, usually couples, used to have their names with a 4 in the middle, emblazoned across the car windscreen?!! :slight_smile: