In the Service Station buying a paper. The guy was stacking shelves down at floor level.
“I will just get a Paper, Mate” (Mate is what we call guys we do not know")
The Guy stood up and was a Gal. Looked like a guy to me
what’s the feminine equivalent of “mate”?
There really is not one.
Mate can be used, but I never use it. Neither have I heard it used for females.
In Yorkshire it’s ‘love’ or ‘duck’…
Yes but women say that to men
Easy to do in this day and age Bretrick, couldn’t have happened back in the fifties and sixties in a South Yorkshire mining village.
If it was someone working in a shop, it was a girl or woman, all the blokes worked down the pit…
Did you post a rude word? Did it include lederhosen?
No you are right Dachs (were right) it’s just meant as a way to be friendly when you don’t know the persons name. Although I’d raise an eyebrow if a bloke called me ‘love’…
No, I hadn’t seen your post .
yes it seems ok to call the opposite sex love or duck, but not each other
Ive heard mate used for women too.
wouldn’t seem out of place in situation in OP for either.
I had heard it used for men by women but then I wasn’t sure if women would use it for other women, too.
Is lederhosen a rude word?
depends on the context
Were you looking at the head or the ass
It used to be “darl” but you don’t hear that so much now but “mate” is used for females these days.
It’s different, I know, but I was occasionally surprised when I discovered that a forum member who I thought was male turned out to be female. User names do not always indicate this unequivocally and quite often there’s no clue in the profile info.
Yes, same happened to me there is one on here who I was sure was male but turned out to be a female Their profile still doesn’t indicate gender.