Online Deliveries, Supermarkets

Just seen this thread.
We’ve never used online food deliveries before because you hear so many examples of ‘replacements’ which bear no relationship to the item you have ordered.
Recently, though, Marge heard about some recommendations for Ocado, so she decided to try them. We have used them three times now and have found them very good. They arrive exactly when they say they’ll arrive and, although there have been the occasional replacements, they are happy to take them back if they’re not what you want. Usually, Marge has accepted the replacement, though.
I particularly like them… well… because I hate trailing around the supermarket waiting for Marge to make her mind up!


Yes, I’ve used Ocado a couple of times and they were very good, perhaps I’ll go back to them :+1:

I knew there was a very good reason why I’m forbidden to eat pork :wink:

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I too have a very good reason not to eat pork, but it isn’t religious.
I just don’t like it.

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Good grief - that looks revolting!

We’ve been customers of Sainsbury’s Home Delivery Service ever since the first Lockdown.

Always on time :hourglass_flowing_sand:
Never let us down :heavy_check_mark:
Delivery men unfailingly cheerful and helpful :+1:
Bloody marvellous service :clap:
No complaints :ok_hand:
10/10 :heavy_check_mark:

I loathe supermarkets - but - since the plague arrived and we keep being locked down - I have used Sainsbury’s home deliveries and been favourably impressed. They arrive on time, the drivers are friendly and helpful, the store email first thing in the morning on delivery day to advise if anything is not available or if substitues have been used. Never had any problems.

Like Ruthio - I give them 10/10

Maybe I should add - I do not buy fresh meat/fish from them so cannot comment on the quality of those products - but everything else has been perfect.

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I’ve never had a home delivery…probably because you have to stay in to recieve it and I’m not good at that…although I should be after all this time its just the thought of having to be there. I prefer to do my own shopping.

So do I really - but my nearest shops are a mile away - so it would mean a 2 x mile walk two or three times a week. Or - a bus trip into town and back.

While the plague is still upon us I will let Mr Sainsbury look after me!

Sainsbury delivered - bang on time - this morning. Everything I asked for was there - apart from Twiglets but they sent a substitute - same size tub, containing little cheesey biscuits shaped like Christmas Trees! Am happy with those.

The cats are happy - Nemo came to check the cat food was all there!