So I was out with John for a walk. I decided to play ball with her since we hadn’t done that for so long what with the weather and everything. She appreciated running about and having fun, but then calamity stuck! She strained her back leg I had to carry her home and up the stairs - my goodness for a wee dog, she sure weighs a lot over half a mile! Now she is looking so sad and hobbling around on 3 legs, not able to put her weight on the back one. She is eating and drinking normally and seems well in herself, so I’m not too concerned tonight. However I will take her to the vets tomorrow if she isn’t any better - or seems worse
I feel so guilty now…
She’s so cute PixieK!
I’m sorry she’s injured. I hope it’s not serious - poor baby girl!
Thanks Minx - she’s a complete Diva…I’m sure she would let me know if it was anything serious! This happened before when she was about 4 (she’s 10 now) and it took her a week to get over it, poor thing. I’m keeping an eye on her - she still wants up on the sofa for cuddles so I have to lift her. She will make the most of this extra attention I’m tellin’ ya!
Where’s my manners - lovely pictures PixieK
Poor little love, hope she is feeling better.
If it is some comfort…A strain will act like that…It does happen sometimes, very easily…just like it can happen to us…The Vet would normally administer a pain reliever jab, which helps no end…like us, it takes some of the associated swelling down, enabling some more movement…which in turn helps with the healing process…Hugs Trixie.
Why did you call a Girl Dog (don’t like Bitch) John?
I have a pack of frozen peas, Dianne, which I am putting on her leg every half hour to try and help. She hates it, obviously. Yes, some pain relief would help I imagine…I’ll speak to the vet. She is very good at hiding pain, really.
Spiteful…yes…green S circle…boring…John is also Jean…
When we came home with her as a pup, a man stopped us in the street and offered to buy her. Just like that. Kept raising the price while petting her. So I panicked and said to Mr P “we need to change her name to something weird, so that nobody can call on her and steal her away”
He suggested John. I’m blaming him. When I said weird, I didn’t mean change the gender! But it works…its got me out of many an awkward situation, social or otherwise!
I know more of Cats… they can hide any illness, sometimes when it is too late…yep does happen, that…
Dogs are more telling you in comparison Trixie, and of course know how to milk it…similar to the Male species…
haha! I agree!
Maybe, Cats and Birds are more accepting of a limited timescale than Dogs and Wolves.
great pics
@PixieKnuckles Aw Pixie , I have done the same thing when playing with Chloe and felt dreadful. The limp usually lasts just a few hours…
…or less if there is a rush to grab a titbit .
Lovely wee dog. I hope the vet sorts her.
Oh she still wanted to stay and play, despite hobbling around. I had to lift her and promise her a biscuit before she relented and let me carry her home!
Thank Besoeker…Yes, I’m sure she’ll be alright with some vet attention.
Dogs are amazing at recovering from such injuries. It’s a bit like footie players on the pitch. Such a worry at the time and then you wonder whether you imagined it.
I hope she recovers quickly.
Although from now on she might think it a good idea to be carried home from every walk