Oh the drama....!

She will try, Smithy, I fully expect her to…she does try to wangle things her way generally!. I’ve seen me sitting on the pavement with her, because she refuses to go the way I would like her to. So we just sit together until she realises she isn’t getting her own way after all! Honestly its like dealing with a toddler at time! :smiley:

So sorry to hear about your dog, Pixie. :worried: That “tomorrow” would now be today, a Sunday. Can you see a vet on Sundays? Just curious.
I give my dog Traumeel in such cases and it helped.

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Hi Dachs, yes its open for emergencies on a Sunday but I just phoned and its an £80 consultation charge (Sundays - usually its £30) before you even get to see the vet. And they take the dog into the place while you wait outside. That’s the bit I don’t like, poor soul is stressy enough without getting whisked away by strangers and not having me there with her. Last time I took her to the vets, they complained about how “wiggly and excitable” she was! Cheeky beggars! I’m looking at your Traumeel and I’m not sure I can get hold of it today, but I will certainly get some for later use. Its handy to have anyway, and she’s getting on for 11 now, so is a bit stiff in general.

Well how did I miss this yesterday? Sorry Pixie, I would have commiserated about poor John if I’d spotted the thread! Hope she’s feeling better today. You can give her paracetamol, not sure of the dose though. It’ll likely be according to her weight. Mr Google will probably know.

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I checked on the paracetamol, Sheba, but I’m reading various reports - some say yes, some say no, so I’m not confident of going down that route. But thanks anyway. Mr P has gone to pets at home to see about puppy pads (for peeing on) and pain relief, so we shall see what he manages to get :+1: She can still manage a biscuit or two, so that’s a good sign! :laughing:

My daughter’s vet told her she could give her dog paracetamol for pain relief. (I have just checked with her about this). He said 1 tablet - but then her dog is a Labrador, and rather overweight as she’s very old and not as active as she once was. She weighs around 44kg :see_no_evil:,

But of course, I completely understand if you feel uncomfortable without advice from your own vet.