Nicola Sturgeon standing down

Thought that post was already taken by Australia. :grinning:

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Goodness Azz … I shall have to start thinking of you as a foreigner.

That is conformation of an eyeopener. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Well said, Azz.

Rejoining the EU is the only way to save us all from the impoverished future the Brexiters have imposed on us, whether we rejoin as the U.K. or separate nations :+1:

Andy Robertson made it clear he considers a vote for Independence is a vote to rejoin

And that the choice for voters is between being part of a right wing Brexit Little Britain U.K. or an independent, tolerant, free thinking nation and member of the EU

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What makes smile is when anti-independence people declaim the prospects of Scotland if separated from England. They highlight the damage to the Scottish economy if there needs to be a border as this will risk reducing trade with the likely loss of open and free movement of people, services & goods. You don’t say. Wonder where that insight came from?

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That’s a bit of an oxymoron :icon_wink:


Scotland leaving the UK and joining the EU?
Frying pan and fire spring to mind…
Welcome to the one world government. Not on my bloody watch it isn’t!

No, I don’t think it is. Far more independence for Scotland as an independent member of the EU than as part of the U.K., when you consider how they were dragged out of the EU because of the English voters and couldn’t do anything about it?

What free-thinking, tolerance or independence were they allowed in that?

Now if I’d said “an independent, tolerant, free thinking nation and part of the U.K.” that would have been an oxymoron.

Didn’t the BR of Brexit stand for Britain, it was a democratic “British” vote, wasn’t it?

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I can see the point you intend to make here. However, were Scotland to leave the UK and join the EU (and I’m not convinced that this is readily possible) then you need to look at independence within the EU from a Scottish perspective. This would be a nation giving up relatively little sovereignty to be part of the EU and gaining massively more independence and self-determination than it currently has. It also would mean gaining full access to the EU markets so overall a huge benefit. The English centric view of the world seems to be that this notion of sovereignty is more important than the tangible benefits of being in the EU. Their choice. But why is it that the English happily imposes their sovereignty on Scotland and does not see the case for independence?

Independence is fine, if it means that in the extreme, lets take the analogy of a kid leaving home to establish their independence, that is all well and good provided they don’t go home once a week expecting Pocket Money :grin:

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She was and still is a good politician. Although I seldom agreed with her, she rarely bent away from her main objective, she was dedicated to the SNP.


I think Maree and strathmore talk about Scotland as if they were a stand alone country…They are not, even though some have tried over the years. But last time I looked, they belong to the United Kingdom, and just like Yorkshire, unless the government give us away or we send an army down to London and defeat the present incumbents, we remain the property of the UK…

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My thoughts exactly. If the Scots want independence ,fine …eventually everyone gets sick of the sulky kid that kicks and screams and clearly doesn’t want to belong to the club.
Best of Br …sorry, English Luck to them.

If they want to leave and join another club, great. Let them go their own way.
But the Barnett Formula will have to go … they can’t expect to be supported/subsidised by the good old English people any longer … and nor can they expect their Scottish MPs to vote down in Westminster as they do now.

As it stands now there is plenty that is unfair and weighted against the English ( who don’t have their own Parliament).

Seriously, I wish the Scots would fight for and get Independence and I also wish them well.
Sturgeon was fixated with it … perhaps she thought it was a vote winner. She must have done as she never struck me as stupid or too out of touch with her people and if that’s what Scots want … why not?

All well and good Morty, but the majority of Scots don’t want to be independent, and this was emphasised on the last referendum.
I personally like Scotland as part of the UK, and I think we are better together with Wales and Northern Ireland.
Feeling like that about the Scots will do more to promote the SNP cause for independence than the 8 years that Nicola was fighting for it…

But I believe that the majority of Scots wanted to remain in the EU … .so when Sturgeon wanted a second referendum I could see her line of logic.
Whilst some Scots said …Not another vote!
Others said it was for a different vote.
In effect, it would have been about which club did Scotland want to belong to.

Put simply … did more Scots want to remain in the EU …than Scots wanted Independence?

What do you mean ?..

Feeling like that about the Scots

I’m only agreeing with a fair majority of them.

I perhaps didn’t explain it very well Morty…
I meant that if we say that we don’t care if they stay in the UK or not, will just help to make up the minds of the fence sitters…

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So you reckon I should keep saying it :laughing:

Just kidding.

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Its just nice to hear you saying anything on the forum Morty… :hugs:

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What a kind thing to say … but have you noticed I seem to following you around on here tonight … both you and Spitty.

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