New Rules For Motorists Using Roundabouts Are Coming In On 29th January

The Spectator is calling motorists “entitled”.

Why is anyone surprised about this?

Anyone with half a brain could have seen this happening

Indeed this sort of thing was predicted when the new rules became more widely known, but were poo - pooed by the cycling lobby

The best one I have heard recently is that Cyclists say it’s ok that so many of them go through red lights as lots of drivers also go through red lights.

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Typical of that rag. I can only assume that they are all lycra louts!

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Strangely enough, that just happened to my wife and me when we returned from our walk today. We pressed the button to turn the lights red at the crossing at the bottom of our road and crossed when they turned red. A car was, quite correctly, waiting at the crossing.
However, I noticed that as soon as we had crossed the car set off despite the lights still being on red. It didn’t bother me personally, as there was nothing unsafe about it - no-one else was about, but illegal nonetheless.

To stop for pedestrians and then go through a red is unusual. Perhaps they think it’s ok with the updated highway code.

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I’ll tell you something - I am a pedestrian, a cyclist and a motorist - and sometimes I am pretty stupid and a bit of a ditherer in all 3 modes!
Reading this thread makes me glad I live where I do - most folk around here cut each other a bit of slack, however much we dither on the pavement or the road - I guess that’s a perk of living in a rural area where the majority of folk are very laid back or too old to be in a hurry to go anywhere!

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Nice one Boot.

Cycling news: Pair engulfed in cloud of exhaust fumes as drivers rage at new rules | UK | News |

Surely this was to be expected when reports were published of large groups of self-centred cyclists formed a large clump in order to prevent motorists overtaking and, even worse, turned around to laugh at them.
I predicted when I first read of these new rules that there would be consequences!

My friend went into London yesterday and it took him 3 hours to get to Shoreditch - 2 hours exrtra because of cyclists 2 abreast in the middle of the road grinding all the traffic to a standstill.

Someone will get hurt because of this stupid idea.

Told ya, Petrol/Diesel are going, not enough power for leccy, get on your bike bike and ride.

Some of us cannot do that. Why should we have to anyway? We have a perfectly good road system designed for cars. I’m wondering if we all started using horse and cart again who would have the moral high ground then?

Hopefully a selfish cyclist.

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Some folks were not capable of riding a Horse in the old days, but we got by.

I would thoroughly enjoy seeing the cyclists inadvertently riding through all the horse :poop: :joy:


That is why I have just fitted the mudguards, forward thinking. :icon_wink:


I wonder if guide dogs will now have to be trained in a different way to accommodate these new rules?
Or, will already trained guide dogs have to be retrained?

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Guide dogs must get so confused with new road layouts, e scooters etc.

Just been reading my local facebook page and a cyclist complained about a dog on an extended lead entering into the cycle path bit of the pavement down the seafront. This was my favourite post, somebody said what’s your address I want to send you a pressie



The Guide Dogs Association have confirmed they won’t.
Guide dogs are trained to recognise Moving Traffic and Stationary Traffic and that will not change.