These rules look straightforward enough on paper as long as all road users obey them and behave reasonably…and there’s the problem; or rather I can see two or three of them, probably more
In the example of pedestrians at junctions -
If there is/are pedestrians walking along the pavement on a main road, as shown, then the car will have to wait and give way, then continue into the side road after the pedestrian has crossed
However, if the road is busy and there is a frequent series of pedestrians then the car will also have to wait…and wait…and wait; thus causing tailbacks & delays
If a pedestrian is walking along the pavement on a main road then a car will have to slow almost to a stop as they both approach a junction, just in case
But if the pedestrian also turns into the side road then the car will have slowed down for nothing, which will cause tailbacks, frustration, and annoyance, to put it mildly
If the car has indicated and just started to turn into the side road but the pedestrian expects to have priority and continues across the junction, depending on the distances, timing, and reflexes of the driver, the car might hit the pedestrian
And as the driver will have done an emergency stop, there might be a rear end shunt
So I suspect that in practice drivers will slow to a crawl whenever they approach a junction
As for a cyclist in the middle of the road, that will just cause endless tailbacks as vehicles now crawl along at whatever speed the cyclist is doing; unless there is PLENTY of space to overtake - and how often do we see that on British roads?
In practice it will mean that vehicles will need to move rightwards into either a faster lane or the opposite lane
I can see these changes resulting in delays, frustration, and concertina effect tailbacks
And yes, Smart Motorways are surely one of the most dangerous and idiotic ideas ever!