I watched an episode of Dallas once.
That’s a lot of pressure as I’m hardly a representative Texan. I don’t even own a gun. (Don’t tell anyone…)
Only one episode??
I was addicted, I wouldn’t miss an episode for the world!!
I nearly bought one of those t-shirts with “Who shot J. R.?” printed on them.
Hang In Here Jim. We watched so many series of >>
We even have a Anglo Texas Drawl. And wear “Bluebonnets”,
Enjoy Buddy.
OK, didn’t like to admit it, but, come to think of it, it may have been more than one episode.
Who shot JR anyway?
Oh, I remember very well. It was one of his mistresses - Christine(or Kristen??), his wife Sue Ellen’s sister.
A Texan Robin ?
I do apologize…
My initials are JR.It was an amusing time for those who knew… but not for me.
Been here for over 33 years. Not born here.
Retired from Fort Hood in 1999 and decided to stay.
Howdy from Houston, Tx. Welcome to the board!
Hi Jim:
Welcome. I’m from the USA. I’ve driven through the Texas panhandle on my way to Arizona a long time ago.
I’ve never been to the Panhandle. I live way at the other end, on the Gulf Coast, north of the Mexican border.
Now that sounds like something people might like to hear about!
Precisely so.
I was 19 years old and took a Trailways bus from NYC to Phoenix. One of the stops was the Texas panhandle. Everyone wore western clothing. I dropped my wallet without realizing it, and someone returned it to me, with all my money intact.
That’s kinda a Texas thing. We might be rednecks but we’re appalled by the idea of someone losing their hard earned money.
My father-in-law spent six months in S. Antonio while he was in the Italian Air Force, during his twenties, he had been sent there on a special mission. He often talks about his time there, has very fond memories, very proud of having had that experience.
Been to California a few times.
That’s funny. I spent three years in Italy when I was in the navy.
Yes, a coincidence, three years is quite a long time, you probably learned the language, may I ask in which part of Italy?