Neighbours (update)

:smiley: @ Pixie. :smiley: :smiley:

I didn’t know what razor wire was but have been reading about it through google. It seems that it’s quite legal & a good way to protect ones property

It’s an insane way to “protect” an ordinary private house in an ordinary setting.


It is an effective way of protecting your house.

They see the signs and look elsewhere.

True. I wouldn’t shed any tears if all criminals were shot in the back. The world would be better off without them.

Good. Now show us your fine work of art?

Why is it?

Is the use of razor wire legal?

I had my own preconceptions, but thought it best to look it up.
The short answer is that, typically in this country, the situation is contradictory! (As I expected. :roll:)

One source suggests that if the razor wire is over 1.8m (6’) above ground level and appropriate signage is used, it is perfectly legal.
Another mentions ‘duty of care’, and that this applies equally to burglars and vandals. Apart from the signage, the razor wire must be easily visible to anyone approaching it. In addition, if children are injured by the wire when climbing, the owner is likely to be liable for lack of duty of care.
In addition to the above, if the razor wire is next to a public highway, it must be over 2.4m (rather than 1.8m) above ground level.

As is so often the case in this country, rules and even laws are not always as clear cut as they really ought to be.
Probably something put in place by lawyers to facilitate their work in prosecuting/defending accused people; make it sufficiently flexible that they can claim that black is white, etc, etc!

Are you serious?. I mean really?

Generally military zones, the border of countries, airports, and private companies are ideal places for the use of razor-wire for security reasons.

Not likely on residential properties. And there are restrictions.

Yes I’m serious. If there are warning signs surely it’s up to the criminal if he wants to risk it.

People on here said I was wrong to put vandal paint on my meter cupboard door after vandals repeatedly kept tearing it from it’s hinges.

I put the paint on anyway - along with a warning sign.

No trouble since!

It’s not up to the criminal. It comes under the same area of law that makes it illegal to electrify a door knob even WITH a warning sign.

Who says you are right. What do you know about it?

I just read via google that it can be used for protection of private property.

FGS if it’s on top of a fence it’s not going to hurt any innocent person!!

An electrified door knob is very different as you well know.

What do you know about it?
All barbed wire, razor wire, or other sharp pointed material may only be used in the construction of a fence if it is at least seven (7) feet above ground level and not visible from any adjacent public street.

Assuming true (no reason to doubt you), planning permission is usually required for fences over 2m tall. For the benefit of those unacquainted with such matters, 7 feet is 2.1 metres.

As much as you I would imagine!

Try this:

Using barbed/razor wire and broken glass in order to stop people getting into your home is not advisable. You are making yourself liable to civil action, if by doing this someone is injured, as you owe a duty of care to ensure that visitors to your property are reasonably safe. Odd as it may seem, you also owe a duty of care to trespassers.

I still think it’s going to be fun trying to paint the fences in future. :slight_smile:

Depends on where the wire is.

If along the capping for the purposes of it being hi viz, then not a problem.

If along a face and hi viz not important, then not a problem with a sprayer.

If you use a sprayer along the top, won’t the spray go over into next doors garden. The razor wire will be needed then, for sure!! :shock:

are you talking about painting just the fence, or the wire itself? :confused: