In neither of the cases I cite would the top edge be painted.
What I do know about using razor wire in a domestic situation such as claimed to have been done being a dumb move.
I also know that deliberately electrifying a door knob falls into the same category of actions depending only on circumstances.
Good idea.
Yes, as I said earlier, the law is contradictory.
Even worse, it often seems to favour the criminal rather than the victim of crime.
I suppose it has never occurred to those in the position of making laws that to continue to favour and protect the criminal in such ways will achieve nothing other than encouraging even more crime in this crime-ridden country.
I’ll repeat what I have often maintained should be a motto painted on our national emblem:
“Crime pays in broken Britain”!
I thought from his previous posts about problems with neighbours that he lived in downtown Beirut, not in a village in Shropshire.
I looked it up too and appears that generally speaking it is illegal in residential areas (it’s a council responsibility), it is only allowed in Industrial and rural zoned areas and council approval is required.
What did surprise me was the various types of razor wire available.
Good for castrating perves … or so I am told!:twisted:
…and the equivalent of glass in cement - Croc Top Fence Spikes
Which seems a better alternative to razor wire
It looks much neater too.
I feel sorry for our scumbags. There they are just trying to do a good, honest day’s robbing and they have to contend with things such as razor wire.
I suppose eventually, we will become such a wokey-dopey Country that we will have to give up our posessions on demand or face prosecution.
A women round here returned home last week to find a scumbag stuck in her window, trying to break in! She took photos, phoned the police and calmly made a cup of tea. No fuss or panic at all, meanwhile the would-be burglar was wriggling about shouting “Help me oot, missus, gonnae help me OOT!!”. he did smash her window in the process, which will be added to the charges. I would have panicked and belted him over the head with something :shock:
Good post LD!! Some truth there.
Not sure which is the most shocking, Pixie.
Finding a burglar stuck in a window - or - that the police were actually interested!
Do keep up Vlad, I moved 3 years ago.
Not as daft as it sounds.
Already, criminals seem to have at least as many rights as we, the law abiding population, have.
In my view, you break the law, you become a second-class citizen and lose many of your rights.
Indeed. Should be seen as an occupational hazard.
well I post confessing that despite being British I cannot always watch the British ‘at play’ I am on three different UK sites [don’t ask me why] and find the punctiliousness excruciating! - I no longer live in UK of course. However several things come to mind
- siege mentality
- not soothing to the eye
- what a way to live OMG!