My Poor Little Flynn Attacked by another Dog!

What a horrible, dreadful, upsetting day we had yesterday.

HWMO and I took our two little boys for their usual daily walk to the Park about 4 pm.They love what is for them, their one long walk for their little legs, as do we!!
We closed the front door behind us and started our walk.

A lady has recently moved in to one of the houses on our small street with her little girl. We had heard that she had a Jack Russell dog and that it had already attacked another neighbour’s little Cairn Terrier as the householder was going to work and taking him with him, So as we approached her front door,(which has no frontage as such as all of our houses are terraced). We could see her front door was open as she was greeting someone.

I admit to being a little apprehensive after hearing about the first attack so just to be on the safe side, we moved away from the pavement onto the road on the other side of all the parked cars. Just as we passed her front door, wishing her good afternoon, her Jack Russell flew out of the door and immediately launched an attack on my poor little dog Flynn, who is the most softest, gentlest little dog you could ever imagine. It was so sudden it took us by complete shock, but it was horrific… He clamped his teeth around little Flynns ear and the side of his mouth, All one could hear was Flynn screaming! Neighbours came running out as Flynn’s little brother Ollie, was also so frightened too he actually freed himself from his harness Thankfully, one of the neighbours managed to grab him before he bolted.
HWMO, myself and the owner were desperately trying to prise open the dogs jaws to free little Flynn, but to no avail. He would not let go, and all the time Flynn was screaming.

Thank god, another neighbour came running out with a glass of water, told us to stand back (which was really difficult with my little Flynn screaming) and threw the water straight in the face of that vicious dog and he let go. HWMO picked up Flynn and ran back inside with him, closely followed by the kind neighbour carrying Ollie.The new neighbour was left frantically shouting at her Jack Russell to “get in there”.

I’m afraid as much as I was worried sick about Flynn, I couldn’t rush back as fast as HWMO as my accursed ill-health forced me to stop before I collapsed.(COPD). Half of my hand where I had exerted such pressure trying unsuccessfully to prise the dog’s jaw open, was now covered in one huge bruise,(due to warfarin) and I found it difficult to breath. But, I trudged on because.after all, poor little Flynn was the victim, not me!. Paul already had him in the bathroom with a bowl of warm water, antiseptic wipes etc, wiping away at his bloodied ear and side of his mouth. I took over from him and Flynn sat on my knee, cuddling up to me while I did my best to soothe and make a big fuss of him., whilst trying to clean up his bloodied matted ear and side of his mouth. My poor baby, he must have been in such pain and frightened having that dogs jaws clamped on him.

Now, I’m not a violent person, I love all animals and get upset if I accidently tread on a snail after it has been raining. I am terrified of spiders but still put toilet roll over the edge of the bath so any spider can escape those impossible shiny sides of the bath. But…. as three of us were trying to prise that dog’s jaws open, I admit that if necessary, I would have killed him in order to save Flynn. That could have been Flynn (or Ollie’s) throat instead of his ear and side of his mouth. It doesn’t bear thinking about.

Thankfully, apart from a small tear on the end of his ear and a cut mouth,the bleeding stopped and it didn’t necessitate a visit to the Vet, although we will be keeping a close eye on him. Ollie was fussing over him constantly for the next two hours.

The guilty neighbour came and knocked on the door ten minutes after the incident. HWMO answered the door, he said she looked as though she had been crying, was very upset and kept apologising.
HWMO said to her, ”Thank you for caring enough to call in person, We will discuss it later but at the moment we don’t feel much up to talking at all, so you will have to excuse me while I see to my little dog”.and closed the door on her.
I have never known him talk so abruptly to anyone in over 40 years of marriage, but he was REALLY angry.

Within 5 minutes he then had a text from her! Goodness knows where she obtained HWMO’s mobile number from, it must have been from one of the neighbours who are tradesmen and have done work for us in the past Anyhow, in the text she apologised again profusely, offered to pay all the Vet’s bills for Flynn, and said that the dog was going. He was not staying after this.

HWMO sent a text back half an hour later telling her that it was not for us to give advice on what she must do with her dog, but that it was obvious he was vicious, He also told her that at present, the Vet was not needed, but if needed due to this incident, he will present her with the bill for treatment. He also informed her that we must have her assurance that in future, when she opens her front door for any reason, whether there are other dogs about or not, she must ensure that the dog is always locked in another room before opening the front door, as it is not controlled by her.

Of course, despite a soaking wet, beraggled torn left ear and a cut mouth, Flynn was soon wagging his tail again thank god, He even got excited when HWMO brought his harness in for his now three hour late daily Park walk!. I couldn’t face it though. I made him take us all in the car to the Park. the only two who are still traumatised are HWMO and me! It is now the day after and I’m still shaky.

As I say, a truly horrible upsetting day yesterday.

Here is my little Flynn, a little sweetiepie.

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Oh my goodness what an awful thing to happen to you all . I hope the neighbours dog goes as it might be a child next time , this is twice so it’s got problems.

I do hope you all recover and get over this awful incident .

Best wishes to you x

I was so sad to hear that you lovely dog had been attacked & I know how precious they are to you, but at least it sounds like Flynn will recover.

The other lady showed that she was upset by what happened but it could have been more serious !

What if it had been a child taking Flynn for a walk? ( both Flynn & the child could have got worse injuries!)

What if Flynn & you had been on the other side of the road and the dog had caused a road accident to a car or a cyclist, when running to attack?

I feel sorry if the lady has to lose her dog, but if it is so aggressive she needs to make sure it is unable to escape or kept on a lead, because it’s days may be numbered if she doesn’t !

Thanks Susan. It was truly dreadful. Having had Labradors for most of my life, although gentle dogs, if ever they were attacked, they could usually stick up for themselves being big dogs, but these two are just so small and helpless and the guilt is still with me that I couldn’t protect him.

I really hope she does get rid of the dog. It was so vicious. As I say, it’s not for us to say as such but even we were discussing this morning, what if that had been a child?

I do know that even as the three of us were trying to prise his jaws open, HWMO even aimed a few kicks at him in our fruitless attempts to free Flynn, even though he would never even contemplate doing such a thing to an animal. Nothing worked at all except the water!

SG what a horrible experience :frowning: I have been there myself and it leaves you feeling sick and shaken :-(.
I hope Flynn is not left too upset and that it doesn’t make him nervous of going out.

Incidentally with regard to harnesses , I had a problem with Chloe ‘backing out’ of hers so I attached a short strap to her collar.

I recently purchased a ‘Houdini harness’ which is almost escape proof because the 3rd strap can’t get past the dogs wide chest and shoulders. It proved invaluable on holiday last week where Chloe encountered many ‘strange things’.
Harness here…

You can also buy a Houdini strap to attach to many other shoulder harnesses…
Strap here…

I hope you both feel better today and manage to get out for a safe walk :slight_smile:
Below is a picture of the full harness which comes in a variety of sizes and colours and is very easy to put on …

Oh shrops what a terrible day you had. I’m glad Flynn seems to have recovered quickly and hope that your hand does too.

We have a similar ‘ripper’ dog in our town (also a JR) who is known for attacking other dogs and people’s ankles as they walk past. This has been going on for some time but eventually the owner (an elderly man) was told by the police to muzzle him and put him on a lead or he would be taken and put down. After much public pressure, he has now relented and done so. This man knew exactly what his dog was capable of but did nothing until forced into it.

It sounds as though your neighbour has also reacted after the event. All dogs can be unpredictable but she should have known he was a danger.

Don’t feel guilty about wanting to kill the other dog, I would feel exactly the same.

What an upsetting post. I was going to announce the arrival of my new little puppy but will wait for a day or so out of respect for little Flynn.

I hope you all get back to normal soon. x

Thanks Twink, yes, they are my babies, as I’m sure is the same for anyone owning a dog, even that vicious dog’s owner must love him.

It scares me to even think about the scenario you both paint. a child or causing an accident. Why do people have dogs if they cannot control them> ?

Thank you very much Meg, I know now how you must have felt when it happened to you. I really appreciate that info regarding a Houdini strap.
I was really shocked that Ollie got out of his harness. especially as it has a velcro fastening as well as a clip and fits snugly on him. I thought that harnesses were supposed to be escape proof! but he still managed to get out of it whilst panicking. I will certainly take your recommendation and buy those Houdini straps. Thank you again.

Oh… what a terrible thing to happen SG, poor Flynn, he must have been so frightened and in pain. His wounds could have been so much worse :frowning:

It’s also a nasty shock for you and MrSG to witness. I hope your hand gets better, that sounds like a nasty bruise.

I hope the dog’s owner is now convinced that her dog is dangerous to others and does the right thing.

LD, Thankyou, and please don’t put off telling us today all about your wonderful new puppy. I really need something to feel cheerful about and your post will be just the ticket. Besides, Flynn is at present lying on the Sofa in the front room on his back on a large cushion with four paws in the air! so looks as though he doesn’t appear to have suffered any psychological affect from his ordeal.

How horrible for you & your dog. I hope that woman neighbour who owns the other dog has him put down, who knows who else he might bite, another dog, a child. I doubt that sort of aggression can be cured.

Oh that’s good, I’m so glad he is Ok. I need to upload some pics of my little one yet anyway. I have only had him three days but we have already bonded so I can imagine how terrifying it was for you.

Thanks Mags, Flynn’s screams are something I never wish to hear ever again. What I can’t get out of my head is the way that dog wouldn’t let go of his bite of him, no matter what we were doing to try and make him. What powerful jaws he had when three of us (two women and a man) were trying to prise open both sides of his mouth open. It was like trying to prise apart two stones that had been set with cement.

I will try my utmost not to let this affect me, I am normally nervous anyway whenever I see a loose dog. I’m sure all of dog owners have had similar experience with vicious dogs, but it really is upsetting when the dog being attacked is yours. It is exactly as Meg says, one can’t stop feeling sick and shaky for hours. Not nice.

Oh Shrops this post has made me cry, how awful for your poor little dog, you and your husband, you all must have been terrified. Whilst it was bad I’m so glad to hear it wasn’t much worse, your adorable Flynn could have been killed. Your little dog is so like mine and I can’t imagine how you must have felt yesterday when this happened as you were trying to save him, I imagine you will be very shook up for a good while yet.

It appears the lady is panicking that she may have to have her dog put down but it sounds like it needs doing as it is a very dangerous dog. I understand the woman will be upset but she has to see that it could happen again and maybe next time the dog it attacks won’t be so lucky and dies. Even worse, a child, perhaps even her own little girl could be killed by this animal. If the dog isn’t put to sleep that lady needs to take control of her dog and make sure it can’t get out and she also needs to muzzle it.

I am glad you finally got you dog away with the water, I must remember that in case god forbid anything like that happens to my Kodi.

I’m sending you the biggest hugs, I wish I could hug you real time. Please take care and try relax, you have been through a horrible ordeal and it is bound to have some effect on your well being just now.

Again I am so glad to hear Flynn is ok. xxx

LD, Lots of pics please. He sounds so adorable before we have even seen him.

Bless you LQ, thankyou for your kind wishes (and the hug).
I know my two are breeds not very well known LaChons, (half Lhasa Apso, half Bichon) but the nearest breed they look identical to when not groomed is the Maltese Terrier.
I know you have a little dog just like mine so appreciate would know how we felt. I also know that anyone who has had their dog attacked by another would also know that horrible feeling that one just cannot shake off.

At least by knowing about the water now, we intend to take a used washing up liquid bottle filled with water with us so we can squirt it in their eyes if, god fobid, it should ever happen again.

Thank you again.x

I know, Tiffany. I really don’t know how I am going to feel when I see her again. It all depends on what she has done about her dog. I’m not feeling up to facing her at the moment but If she is keeping it, I may well insist she buys a muzzle for it and as HWMO told her by text, NEVER allow the dog the opportunity ever again to rush out the front door to attack another dog (or god forbid, a child). I’m afraid I won’t be able to stop myself from telling her what the different scenario’s could well have resulted in. But, that is for another time at the moment.

While I am sitting here on the Sofa with the two boys safely lying next to me on cushions, I sometimes wonder whether it is worth the risk, taking them out for a daily walk! They are so safe here with a large garden and deck to run around on, and knowing they can’t get out and no dog can get in to harm them always reassures me. They are classed as lapdogs (I’ll vouch for that, try two dogs attempting to both get onto one pair of knees!) and it does state in the book about their breed that they do not require walking as long as they have plenty of room to run around and play in the garden, but they absolutely love their one long walk a day and it would be such a shame to stop it, even though I will be a nervous wreck after yesterday.

Oh Shrops, what an awful experience for you and poor Flynn.

I too hope your hand heals quickly, and that he suffers no ill effects.

Sending hugs.

And LD, yes, photos please of your new pup.

I think I’d have gone round to her house & asked her what she intended to do about her dog. I’d tell her to muzzle it, keep it on a lead, never let it run out of her house & walk it where there were no other dogs, if she intends to keep it. Glad your OH did that.

Forgive me Tiffany, I added more text in my reply to your post.
Trouble is, to be truthful, still feeling a little shaky after yesterday. Normally, I am a bolshy, tell it how it is type of person, but yesterday really took the wind out of my sails.
No doubt, we will have to eventually meet again. If it turns out she didn’t mean it when she said the dog was going, then I will certainly say something to her.

It’s really difficult. This little village street is normally so friendly, and everyone always makes newcomers welcome. How can this be in her case though when she has in the space of three weeks since moving in, upset two neighbours with her dog attacks.

We will have to wait and see how things progress.