My Poor Little Flynn Attacked by another Dog!

I guess that’s all you can do at present, wait & see what happens. Maybe the dog will attack another dog & that owner will report her.
I read the other part, please don’t let that stop you walking your dogs. Go a different way so you don’t have to pass the neighbours house.Perhaps wait til she goes out without the dog, then take your dogs out. Do hope you feel better about it soon. I know it must have been horrible. A similar thing happened to me once with our old Border Collie, but the other dog was a Boxer.

Thanks Jazzi.

Shropshire Lass

How terrible for you, your poor wee dog, and your OH.
Awful that it happened but hopefully no permanent damage.

I know the lady is a neighbour and you may not want to upset her but, if it were me, I would report the behaviour to the local dog warden and let them deal with it. Such aggressive behaviour is totally unacceptable in my opinion. And worse acts of violence may be more catastrophic if you do nothing.

I would be more than a little angry, read absolutely furious, if that happened to Max. Not likely. He does the stare down to perfection.

Oh gosh! Poor little Flynn!
These nasty types seem to go for the little quiet ones!
Floyd got bitten by a German Shepherd once and Dolly seems to make the local “thugs” angry.
I hope Flynn isn’t put off going for walks now, lovely little dog!

That is terrible for you and your Dog, glad that he is ok though.

I have every sympathy with you after your dog was attacked, it’s appalling that this should happen. It is illegal for anyone to keep a dog that is dangerously out of control.

That could have been a young child that was attacked. Nobody knows what prompts a dog to attack so nobody can say that dog will only attack other dogs.

Personally I would have taken it further as the dog is not being controlled or even muzzled. There are strict laws about when dogs attack either humans or other dogs and it doesn’t matter where the attack happens, in public or on private land, see links below:

Totally agree.

Just seen this - poor Flynn. I hope that he - and all of you - have recovered from your traumatic experience.

The woman sounds a total idiot .
For heavens sake if you can’t control one small Jack Russell you should stick to goldfish .
This cocky little dog is obviously the pack leader.
What he really needs is anothef dog to bite him , but failing that a muzzle so at least he can’t bite people or other dogs .

Can’t disagree with both those comments from Muddy.

To be honest, I think I’d have reported it to the police, as it was a completely unprovoked attack.

You might even have found this nasty little dog was known to them already. If no one ever says anything, it will keep on happening.

I have an idea how you shocked you all were Shroppy, and I feel for you.
The same thing happened to one of my dogs a few years back too, and she was heavily pregnant at the time.
She didn’t even attempt to fight back, which perhaps was as well else it might have made the other dog even madder.
I’m sure he would have killed her had I not stepped in, but I couldn’t stop shaking afterwards, so I do understand.

I’d keep an eye on Flynn’s torn ear as well, make sure it doesn’t get infected.
I do hope you all recover from the upset soon, and that dog is either controlled, or taken away from her.

I’m so sorry SG. What a horrible thing to happen.

Imagine if all our dogs ganged up on the bully at the same time. That might change his behaviour!

Shropshire Girl - how is Flynn this morning?

Poor little chap…I’m pleased he survived his terrible ordeal.

The incident needs to be reported. No. Must be reported. It can’t be ignored. The next event might be more serious…
I hope little Flynn is recovering. And the lovely Shropshire Lady too.

SG, I’m not having a pop at you - that’s the last thing I’d do. I’m just trying to offer constructive thoughts.

I reported an incident where an illegal dirt biker threw a brick at Max. I even had pictures. Of course the bike was stolen (aren’t they all?) So the police couldn’t trace the rider.

Pleased to hear he is better this morning . What a terrifying incident , even your other little dog will have been traumatised.

Hard to know what to do with regard to the Jack Russell , as mentioned by others , it could be a child or it could even kill another pet. The owner must know the character of the dog and be responsible, and I think your husband made sure she understood that .
There are times when we have to be adult enough to take our responsibilities on board and make decisions we don’t like. I hope your neighbour has taken serious note and gives due consideration .

Sorry to disagree, PD.
It isn’t hard.
Report the incident.
Before another, another more serious event occurs.

Oh, SG. As soon as l saw the title of your thread, l felt sick, sick. It was every dog owner’s nightmare.

What a shock for you, your husband and for poor Flynn too.
You have to be like a soldier on surveillance when you go out for a walk with your dog these day. You never know what predators are around!

I hope Flynn is recovering well and back to his happy self. I hope you and your husband are over the shock too.

Oh and l hope you will both still be able to enjoy your usual romantic evening in together…nudge, nudge wink wink! :lol:

Shropshire Gal

How is your wee dog, Flynn?

What a shame this happened, Shroshire Girl! I hope little Flynn is on the mend. I do hope that everything works out. I am sure the owners of the terrier are horrified and upset. Let us know how he’s getting along. :hug:

Fgs dogs fight, get over it.