Mum paints every single room in her house a shade of pink in ‘dopamine décor’ transformation


  • its not that bad actually…I like her cushion!
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For a moment there, I thought I was having an acid flashback … :icon_eek:


Isn’t it great though?! Those throwback colours! The bedcover, gosh I had wallpaper like that as a kid. :joy:

She’s not a fan of a feature wall, oops!! wall painted in pink is plenty for me.

I do like her style, it doesn’t look tacky…each to their own at the end of the day…:+1:


I did think of you when I posted this Pauline…I was curious as to what you would think of it! :joy:

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I think she has great taste and style she has put a lot of thought and effort into each room…she has a great eye for design.

She has got to be an interior designer…if she’s not, then she should be imo.:grinning:

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She’s the type of person I would get inspiration from, she thinks outside of the box, I’m hopeless at doing that.

All I can do is see a wall and paint it, I can’t see beyond that…whereas look at what she has done, with imagination and flare…I’m quite envious of people like that…that’s all her own work, it’s not copied, if you get my meaning.


:scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream:

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Boot…are you amazed at her prowess, or you don’t like it? :joy:

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I’ve never been keen on pink, apart from in flowers or splashes of pink as an accent colour.

The idea that the mish-mash of colours and patterns in those rooms would produce a calming, soothing surge of dopamine made me laugh - it might do something for Heather but I couldn’t sit and relax in it.

I noticed she has a bedspread and sofa cover in an old 1970s pattern I cannot stand - my Mother-in-Law gave me a duvet cover and pillow cases in that horrid mustard yellow 1970s geometric flower pattern.
I thought it was hideous and could never bear to use it in my bedroom - I used to pretend I saved it for special guests and put it on the spare bed whenever she came to stay!

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It does look fun very cheerful.
I’m not sure I could live with it .
I’m very much a minimal person.

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How diplomatic of you, that’s kind!

Theres a picture of her in the article where her dress clashed horribly with the sofa she is sitting on (which, incidentally is the same as the bedcover) I didn’t post it…its too much, even for me! :joy:

I saw the dress - that’s what one of my :scream: was for! :rofl:

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Minimal as in painted decor, Ripple? Or spacious and no clutter?

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Both . No clutter , virtually no colour dulux timeless throughout.

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Sounds more calming than this lady!

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I do like the crocheted sofa throw, though.
That is a bit of retro that I do really like - it reminds me of my Great Aunt and my Mum - We all used to crochet those to use up bits of wool left over from knitting jumpers.
I still have several of those, in different colour themes.

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I’m on the hunt for wool so I can do these too :+1:

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Strangely I like to see colour and clutter in friends homes …but not in mine :crazy_face:


Well its all about being comfortable and relaxed in your own little nest isn’t it. A home is a home no matter what it looks like. I do like to see crazy decor in other peoples houses, and I’ve posted such vibrant things here before. But I honestly couldn’t live with it 24 hours a day!