
Seth I am just wondering is this the first forum you been on …

No revenge seeking is allowed lol

Hope you are enjoying it here …

Actually I did! unfortunately owing to my unusual mixing methods, of 3 part water to 1 part cement, they remained soft and light, some even disintegrated while worn.

sugarbag this is my first time on over 50s, please be gentle!!!I am too kind to seek revenge, justice with grim punishment,maybe a little torture!,yes!
I have been on a forum in Aust. has some strange characters and they are slowly infiltrating into the Over 50s forum.

Mr Ploppy,

Seth’s concrete is of dubious quality. They would melt in the water.

Maybe we should just pour it into his burrow to keep him on the straight and narrow path.

No one has ever been hurt when falling on my concrete, I only get praise for how soft it is, actually has a little ‘give’ in it, no one gets hurt.

Thank you for the warning Sandi. Gee that was close, I nearly signed the contract.:lol:



You have been here for 5 minutes and you are so popular :slight_smile:

Abby it just shows that good honest upright citizens recognise someone with strong social values,willing to share their expertise for a small fee, that is uplifting in these days of rip offs, greed and false claims. I am so proud.

However I know some ex clients can get nasty and spread lies.

We seem to be stuck in the introductions thread, Seth.
Perhaps it’s time to venture out and mingle with the rest of the members.:smiley:

How do I get out of here, I lost the instructions.

Just go to the top of the page and click on HOME.
You will find tons and tons of interesting threads.:wink:

Thanks Mr Poppy, my brain had popped out for a rest.

Every week end is a happy week end, just resting.

I used to love weekends when I was in the workforce. Now they mean nothing anymore. Sometimes I can’t even remember what day it is. :lol:

Mr Poppy just look on the bright side, weekends were always slow in coming, now they come every week. sometimes I forget it is a week end.



thanks Baggy, your friendly feline looks a little fierce.

Hi Seth,
To contact Innes go to the top of the HOME PAGE then click on MEMBERS

When the members page comes up there’s an alphabet at the top. Click on I and when that page comes up, look down the list for INNES and click on that.

It will bring up another page and there you will be able to send him a message. OK

Kfchugo has also just come on here Seth, happy days.