
Hi Seth and welcome.

Hello Seth :slight_smile: a warm welcome to the forum!

Hello Seth, and a very warm welcome to you.:slight_smile:

Hope the shortage is over soon, getting peckish. see your from SA. I lived there for 8 years as a kid. my first school was Rose Park.How things have changed, a primary school with a rifle club. they were the days.

Well hello Seth. Yet another Aussie. :mrgreen:

Come in, get yer feet under the table, and enjoy posting on here. Look forward to chatting with you. :smiley:

Hi Mollie, the brain is not good as it used to be, find I get too excited when I get something right with the learning process, it is either excitement or arrhythmia. Don’t mind putting my feet under the table, as long as a dog doesn’t wee on them. Was just wondering with all the Aussies showing up, whether the intellect has risen here, or Australia.?

Oops, I just tripped over this thread. G’day Seth from WA and welcome.

Mr Ploppy, tripped over my thread? drinking already? what a shame, still, living in WA could turn one to booze. {only joking.}[/I]

I haven’t had a drop yet, but you know what they say…It’s always 5 o’clock somewhere.:lol:

Thanks sugarbug, i see you are also a recent newcomer, from Canada, I suppose it is cold there, just to make you envious, we are enjoying a nice sunny day.

It will be getting cold in a few months …Right now … summer had just ended … but it is still hot here as well…
Ps … I do love the the cold …

Thanks for all the warm welcomes.

yes I like the cold, you can always get warm in front of a fire, when it is hot it is hard to get cool, we live near the beach but as the grand children are all grown up now, we seldom goi.

Is it that late? I must have dozed off.

Have been answering in wrong place, sorry just realised my mistake, and i haven’t had a drink yet.

It was with astonishment that I saw that fabrication by a well known Australian bike stealing run away husband, leaving a wife and countless children to fend for themselves, his only protection is a gang of wallabies.He is well known for his dancing prowess with them, yes I’m referring to gerry. I lost a lot of clients [concreting] after the crook stole my bike.

Now Seth,
You know you lost the jobs because of faulty workmanship. When you offer to take up a concreting job you know you should use the right amount of cement in the job, not just run a little bit over the filling. Will have to send the “COWBOY BUILDER” after you. He will soon fix your wicket.

PS Everyone don’t encourage him. He’s a rascally rabbit.

I feel humiliated and downright disappointed that coming into a new, friendly and possibly new sources of revenue, I find accusations of past faulty concreting, which are lies, generating from disgruntled clients.if my skin wasn’t so thick! I would seek revenge.

Why don’t you just make concrete boots for them?:lol: