More Covid vaccinations

I received an email today:

We’re inviting you to book a spring COVID-19 vaccination appointment. This is because your NHS record suggests you may have a weakened immune system.

I’ve lost count of the number of jabs I’ve had. And I was diagnosed with covid a couple of years ago: barely felt a thing.

Plus, a “spring” vaccination! Isn’t autumn the season?

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There is no need for a Spring jab for most of the population, this is being targeted at over 75s and physically vulnerable folks so, there may be a case for that.

I got my notification for the 17th June a couple of weeks ago. I am 86 years old.

Foxy is a jab free zone… :009:


Mr M and I have received the Spring covid invitation, we will have the vaccination.

Our daughter has also received an invite due to her having cancer two years ago and she will also have the vacc.

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Mrs d00d says no, but I’m undecided.

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Don’t know what to do with this. Had all my jabs, the last one made me feel really ill afterwards. Some months ago, despite all the vaccinations, I actually caught Covid, making it all seem both ineffective and pointless.


So am I OGF, specially if it’s Pfizer, that one made me ill. :rage:


Hi Graham

Were you badly effected? I wasn’t. Makes you wonder if the jab helps.

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All of those mRNA jabs are troublesome to those who are susceptible. Both the Pfizer AND the Moderna made me very ill, so I refuse all C-19 vaccines now.


I’ve lost count of the number of covid vacs I’ve had now and don’t recall any serious side effects. I did catch covid once but very mild symptoms.

Yep same here, no real jab side effects, one mild dose of covid.

SNAP. Also had the 1st Reinjection. Together with recommended Flu jab. In compliance.
Arrived perfectly healthy. BMI slightly over the benchmark.
Two days later Bedridden, almost 2 weeks.
Intense pain, from waist down. Unable to support body vertically.
Lost 2 stone. BMI Well Under benchmark. Neck Lymph gland swollen to the size of a tennis ball.
Immune system needing Probiotics ever since.
Later Medical cursory response.
“Sometimes, ‘some’ patients [Seemingly Healthy Ones!] don’t react well to the dual injections”. A ‘Pre Warning’ would have been proactive.
Never had any of their regular Invitations to replicate. That Masterpiece of Medical Science since.

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I think I’ve had 3 Covid injections - can’t remember precisely. I have never had a flu jab. I haven’t had Covid (so far!) and the only time I’ve had flu was 40+ years ago when my children were small.
So I shan’t have another Covid injection if offered (I’m 77 so could well be offered one at some point, unless they have got the message at last that I don’t want one!)


It gave me a really bad sickly headache and made me dizzy and nauseous for about three days. I don’t know if it would have been worse if I didn’t have the jabs.

There again, if we didn’t have the jabs, we would not have had all the immunisation certificates which went with it and at the time, as it was difficult to get admission to certain places without them. We could not, for example, go on our cruise without them, as they were mandatory.

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I had 3 Covid jabs as well, Margaret. Last one was Pfizer, it sent me doolally, couldn’t fuction for hours, I completely lost reality. Went to hospital had lots of tests, nothing showed up, I was healthy & fine. It had to be the jab, so no more for me thank you. I haven’t had Covid either.
I do have the flu jab though

That sounds horrendous Tiffany. I’ve heard of several people who had bad reactions to the Covid jabs but none quite as bad as the one you describe. I don’t blame you for not wanting to have any more jabs!

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We have had all the previous ones, so I expect we’ll go for these as well. Got to try and get two appointments next to each other. They were an hour apart last time but they managed to fit us in one after the other anyway.

My Initial C19 vac.
Was in a large, Well Ventilated, Spaced and Organised. By NHS. professionals and allied volunteers.
First Booster, some 6 months later. At GP’s surgery.
Lengthy que. 20 mins down a congested corridor.
Close Contact with others, No supervision. Some still waiting outside in the rain.
Classic example. Of how, some local GP Practices
Acting as NHS. ‘Independent ‘Paid’ Agents’.
Shamefully. Monopolising on the epidemic. More Entrepreneurial than Medical.
Small wonder that the word on the block is.
Attending. One has a greater chance of. Contracting ‘Something’, than being Immunised.


How would know one hadn’t had Covid?

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