More Covid vaccinations

I can certainly relate to that QES. I visited my local GP after having an attack of gout. Despite me having a history of gout attacks he insisted that I attended A&E for blood tests and x-rays on my inflamed big toe. I’m no doctor, but the normal treatment would have been a course of Colchicine tablets followed up with Allopurinol for long term control.
After spending 10…Yes 10 hours in a packed A&E waiting for results of x-rays and blood tests, then seeing a doctor who was surprised I had not been prescribed Colchicine and Allopurinol (which is exactly what he did) I left the crowded hospital only to test positive for Covid a couple of days later…
Fortunately, I had had covid back in 2020 and it was no more than an annoying head cold that soon resolved itself despite never having had the covid vaccines.


We have had notification for another jab. Good idea as we are going abroad for a holiday later this year

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While I could get it free from my GP, I shall go to the chemist for my covid/flu booster, no queuing, no waiting, give them $20, thank you and goodbye.


SNAP. Here also. Without explanation at the time.
Subsequently discovering. It actually has, a medical term.
“Neurological Disorder”.
Quite frankly. Rather fancy, contracting C19. Would have been a less painful option. :dizzy_face
Hence. Keep your >>
Syringe Silo
In your 'Draws’Matron.
:rofl: All the way.To the "Merry Oyster"Pub.


Shiver Me Timbers. >> Sticky Note on Fridge.
" Must stop Knocking the NHS here".
The local surgery, must B Monitoring my posts… :smiley:
Had a call yesterday.
Appointment made. For U2 have Blood Taken. :star_struck:
“OK But. Your not getting a Pint. I’ll send my little finger .In the Post”. :wink: :wink:


100 people a week are still dying of Covid.

UKHSA data dashboard

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Interesting to note that for Covid19 they show the actual figure of cases, but for all the other diseases they are shown as a percentage of 100,000…
100 people per week dying of Covid19 is actually only 0.1% of 100,000…1164 people were admitted to hospital with covid19 in the same week, but 7000 (0.7%) were admitted to hospital with influenza I wonder how many people died of influenza…? Wasn’t Covid19 entered on the death certificate of many people in the past, when it was actually Influenza that was the cause of death. I personally know of a couple.


Well said Foxy. When I saw galty’s post yesterday I thought ‘What! Only 100 a week, a drop in the ocean’. I was going to respond but you’ve just summed it up so well.


No way, no how.

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I’m not doing it now, but possibly in the autumn. I’m not scared of needles, and never had side effects, I’m just careful what I put in my body. My son says it interferes with your DNA, hmmmm …


If something drastically changes and it’s the right thing to then I’ll do it, until such time it’s a definite no!


I’m classed as vulnerable …health hiccup!
Shall definitely have the jab , indeed tomorrow at a walk in no appointment necessary at a local chemist


They said I’d had a GTA, Global Transitory Amnesia. Said only 5% chance I’d get it again, I’d never had it before. Poopoo’d it had anything to do with the jab & sent me home after all night & most of the morning in A&E. Great!
I had had two before, not Pfizer & no problem. I wasn’t going to take a chance so no jab.


I thought that was the point - a drop i n the ocean now.

Vaccinations (and anti virals) have made a huge difference to the mortality rate.


According to the radio this morning the flu season has arrived with a spike in cases. I have usually had my flu shot by now, I must get it done as soon as.

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Had my COVID booster yesterday , I have had all the available COVID vaccinations to date . I had a bad reaction to the first booster but it did not deter me from having others.
The only adverse reaction so far is a sore arm.


Same here foxy …

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On the news, theyve said the vaccine AstraZeneca caused blood clots causing strokes and death with so many people dying , now the partners of the deceased are suing !!

I had mine yesterday and as with all of the others I had no reaction at all…so far so good.

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Found a story here: