Misled Over Brexit ? Certainly Looks That way!

So what are we supposed to do we do in the meantime Percy … I’m not one for sitting on my hands, look what happened with Blair, Heath and Major. So far knee jerk reactions is exactly what the EU has been doing to us. I expect teething problems but Ireland and Fishing are a whole different ball game.

I’m not going to just sit there and wait for the government to sort this out in the next 3 years or so, we have already spent over 5 years and enough is enough.

On the Irish Border, everyone knows Biden supported the IRA and funded them through Noraid, his intervention in Ireland should be taken with the contempt it deserves.

Unlike you, Bread, I do not profess to know the answer to these conundrums.

You say we have spent over 5 years on this already and I will take you to task on this. From June 2016 until December 2019, all of the time was spent in the UK with various factions fighting the result of the referendum, with everyone in the EU laughing their arses off at these factions bickering amongst themselves - have you forgotten about Gina Miller woman already, for example? That only leaves 15 months since the Tory win in Dec 2019 for Boris and Co to get the negotiations started, “discussed”, etc. In the great scheme of things another 2 or 3 years isn’t a long time imho.

Aw that’s such a nice post that you’ve thought of yourself there, isn’t it?
Sniggers at the sheer hypocrisy of it.

If you think that why are you ignoring that which prompts such responses from me?
Or are you just set upon blithely ignoring the patently bleedin’ obvious and then stoking tension with your own ignorance as that’s the impression readers will get.
That’s why people don’t visit this area of the forum.

If you disagree perhaps you would say why you haven’t mantioned the wording used about me like these or the worse ones from recent posts before they vanished into the ether:

“Your making things up again”[sic]
“condescending, arrogant and bigoted to everyone”
“If you knew what you were talking about”
Of course it usually ends up with the really nasty stuff being removed.
Ask yourself whose that most frequently is.

[SIZE=“4”]Hurrah for a voice of reason![/SIZE]


Sadly to the unreasonable ones (as I see you’ve already discovered from the response you got) any attempt at being reasonable and pointing out a few facts soon descends into farce and then insult.

Quite so but as I say, beware of telling the truth because from my own experience such actions soon descend into accrimony.

Maybe it’s better to leave those foolish enough to make visible their blind hatred alone to their misery because it obviously hurts them to see the popularity of Boris and the Government rising and our country doing well in the face of their pointless objections.

On the time scale of Brexit Percy you discount the 3yrs of MAY as not being Brexit? Where as those 3 yrs were the start of our problem?
Imo when Boris took over from her he merely changed her strategy
to overturn brexit from the word go, to a strategy to overturn
brexit by pretending to go all out for a proper brexit at the beginning
of negotiations and then at the last minute reverse everything when
he believed it would be too late to rectify things??
For these reasons Brexit has taken from 2,016 to now 2021 which
means we are now in to our fifth year and still counting! Most of this time as you say due to Tory and parliament itself infighting?
This Tory infighting continues to this day despite what they say !!
The remainers are determined to get their way and if they can’t
actually overturn brexit the will settle for a really soft brexit?
That’s my view Percy, and it’s born out by the actual events !!


I voted for Boris Johnson.

Stop making things up. My objections aren’t pointless either you just think everything great because you don’t know any better.

BLIND HATRED !! where did that come from??
I am on record as saying l quite like Boris, but l just don’t trust him !!
And it turns out l was correct in that??


***** [B]This thread is now closed.

I am fed up with you ignoring moderator warnings about continual personal bickering. I have better things to do in my life than continuenly checking all your posts every day which are ruining the forum.[/B]