Misled Over Brexit ? Certainly Looks That way!

As already mentioned, the EU’s CFP exacerbated the decline.

I might not entirely agree with your surmise regarding Boris and Brexit but that aside you are absolutely correct; time will tell.

Surely it cannot trundle on and on indefinitely?
Either the EU accepts the pushbacks Frost & co. are making and they ratify the agreement or they don’t, but I cannot realistically see how any major Brexit-related difficulties could carry on beyond that point.
Minor ones certainly and probably for years, but major disagreements?

Only you thinks this is true ^^^ So far you know better than Ben Habib, Richard Tice, Nigel Farage, the Express, FFL, 12000 fishermen and hundreds of thousands of people in the fishing and related industry.

Your opinion is these people are stupid and don’t knownknow what they were voting for and they should stop whinging and whining.

Priceless, Zaphod, just when I thought you couldn’t get more deluded, there you go, shouting at the rain as the only person in the country who voted for a 75% Brexit.

To answer your question Zaphod re ’ it cannot trundle on indefinitely’
Yes, it can, unless we start ASSERTING our sovereignty instead of
reacting to EU dictates?? We have the right, international law is on our
side over this matter !! Why must we wait for 5•5 yrs before we can
act on this ??
And at the end of 5•5 yrs there is no definite plan for us to get what
is ours as of right either, just another negotiation ??
Sovereignty HAS to be asserted, nobody will make a present of it to
you !! As has become quite evident !!
Our main problem does not lie with the EU, But with the people
of UK that oppose Brexit who no doubt have their reasons for their
stance ??
Unfortunately for them, they were in the minority whenever the public
were allowed to vote !!
Whilst l think Lord Frost could possibly bring about the changes you speak of, he is a voice in the wilderness that is the Tory party and he
will soon be replaced or forced to resign just like all the other
brexit ministers that were appointed earlier ??


I agree. We are (supposedly) now an independent sovereign nation.

The unfortunate thing is that our government has, stupidly, agreed a deal with the EU which masquerades as a trade deal. The EU, of course, see it as a means of controlling us, just as they have become used to doing for 40 years.

Nevertheless, as has been mentioned on this forum many times, we still have the right to tear up the deal especially as the EU have decided to delay ratifying it. We should take this opportunity now before they realise that they could so easily make things more difficult for us.

As you say, we have the disadvantage that many influential people - especially in the Civil Service, the House of Lords and even in the Conservative government - would like to hand our country back to the EU in one way or another. This, disgustingly, is regardless of the fact that the majority of voters insisted that they wanted us to leave that corrupt organisation.

What does this say to the world that a substantial number of people in positions of authority are effectively outweighing the wishes of the majority of ordinary British people?

And we claim to be living in a democracy.

Bless your little cotton socks with your puerile determination to persuade others that nobody else has the same views as me even when they’re here in this very thread!
In the link in your quote too, in fact.
You are deliberately completely misrepresenting what I say and what my opinions are when anybody can see for themselves right here.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Keep up the infantile insults too when the sensible amongst us grew out of such playground tactics before entering senior school and you’re stuck there; I’m only surprised that you didn’t add a “Yah boo!” for good measure.
That would fit admirably with your abilities to debate.

You really do not “get” that opinion is just that, do you?
Or that nobody but you cares?
You cannot even substantiate your frankly crazy claims; where does “Ben Habib, Richard Tice, Nigel Farage, the Express, FFL, 12000 fishermen and hundreds of thousands of people in the fishing and related industry” talk about either The Reform Party or the UK doing well post-Brexit which is what my post that you include is talking about?
They don’t.
But you somehow think that it’s related to my post which you quote?
If that is the case then you’re in need of the sort of help which this forum can never give you.

Well watch out fella because there’s more postivity about Brexit that you won’t believe to come, like this from Douglas Ross who admits that he was a “reluctant remainer” at that!

[B]“This generation are already seeing the benefit of Brexit.

“The 50,000 people employed directly or indirectly in the Scottish whisky industry are celebrating today because they can see these tariffs being suspended, and young people here in Scotland and right across the UK are seeing the benefits of our vaccination programme, which isn’t being replicated in Europe, and that will see our freedoms being returned far quicker.

"We are already seeing the benefits of being an independent country outside the EU.”[/B]

But he, I and the large proportion and increasing of the British public who say Boris & the government will get their vote are wrong and a faceless keyboard warrior with his head up a fishy bottom is right in the world according to Bread because we aren’t spluttering over a few fish that we don’t eat and can’t sell?
There’s your delusion.

I thought some of the other guff in here was delusional but that’s more fictional than Isaac Asimov’s best works.

What about the EU ratifying the deal?
Why ignore that?
That isn’t “5.5 years away” is it?
If they sign they agree we can challenge them and if they don’t the deal is torn up anyway.

You carry on ignoring that this must come first if you want but you’re making yourselves look worse than daft.

Proof that the British people don’t want the EU.

“The poll also found sight dip in enthusiasm for the EU in the other countries it polled: France, Germany, Denmark, and Sweden, although all countries still remained heavily in favour of remaining a member.”

Wait until they see the real consequences of the EU’s vaccination farce.

I usually scroll on past, for obvious reasons, but I thought just for once I’d go to the trouble of copying and pasting just a few of the words I’ve just seen.

peurile (sic) determination
Keep up the infantile insults
your frankly crazy claims
a faceless keyboard warrior with his head up a fishy bottom
some of the other guff in here was delusional
making yourselves look worse than daft

I’m not surprised that most people don’t participate.

Perhaps he has Tourette’s.

Nobody cares ?

you don’t care - there are millions that do though. If you watched Politics Today on TV today there was a good debate about fishing. Funny because nobody said fishermen were stupid or that they didn’t know what they voted for.

I guess you wont be educated because you can’t find this sort of thing on Wikipedia which is your source of truth… and the Daily Telegraph :lol:

Keep up the insults, they compliment your faulty opinions.

You also seem to think I’m some sort of Brexit doom mongered - I’m not, I was campaigning to leave the EU back in 2012, I’ve been a member of the Conservative party for as long as I can remember but campaigned for the Brexit Party in the lead up to the General Election. So your wrong there as well, and just because your in a minority of one when it comes to fisheries doesn’t make you right. Your just a minority of one who nobody believes.

You just can’t make some people understand thats all JBR.

I am becoming mightily fed up with people whinging and whining about what is and what is not happening in our efforts to disentangle ourselves from the EU’s clutches. In fact, if all the tautological posts were to be deleted from this and other threads, the threads themselves would be so much smaller.

“Britain is set for a brighter economic future and the EU can’t bear it”. Yes, of course it is and the EU is being a bullying prat. The only thing holding us back at the moment is the EU and it’s infantile antics.

IMHO, what many people were, and to a large extent still are, expecting was for Boris to hit the “GO” button on Jan 1st and all would be rosy. (I saw this sort of thing happen in South Africa when Mandela was elected President. When nothing happened as swiftly as the general populace wanted it to, that’s when all the knee-jerk reactions started and many of them are still living in townships just as they were beforehand). It ain’t gonna happen that fast chaps and chappesses, it’s going to take at least a couple of years to even begin to sort out even the major problems. (Now we’re going to have to contend with the USA getting involved with the border problems between the UK and RoI as reported widely this morning.)

While it would feel great if we could see Boris and Co kick the sh!t out of the EU once in a while, I do NOT believe for a single moment that such knee-jerk reactions would serve us well in the long-term.

So what are we supposed to do we do in the meantime Percy … I’m not one for sitting on my hands, look what happened with Blair, Heath and Major. So far knee jerk reactions is exactly what the EU has been doing to us. I expect teething problems but Ireland and Fishing are a whole different ball game.

I’m not going to just sit there and wait for the government to sort this out in the next 3 years or so, we have already spent over 5 years and enough is enough.

On the Irish Border, everyone knows Biden supported the IRA and funded them through Noraid, his intervention in Ireland should be taken with the contempt it deserves.

Unlike you, Bread, I do not profess to know the answer to these conundrums.

You say we have spent over 5 years on this already and I will take you to task on this. From June 2016 until December 2019, all of the time was spent in the UK with various factions fighting the result of the referendum, with everyone in the EU laughing their arses off at these factions bickering amongst themselves - have you forgotten about Gina Miller woman already, for example? That only leaves 15 months since the Tory win in Dec 2019 for Boris and Co to get the negotiations started, “discussed”, etc. In the great scheme of things another 2 or 3 years isn’t a long time imho.

Aw that’s such a nice post that you’ve thought of yourself there, isn’t it?
Sniggers at the sheer hypocrisy of it.

If you think that why are you ignoring that which prompts such responses from me?
Or are you just set upon blithely ignoring the patently bleedin’ obvious and then stoking tension with your own ignorance as that’s the impression readers will get.
That’s why people don’t visit this area of the forum.

If you disagree perhaps you would say why you haven’t mantioned the wording used about me like these or the worse ones from recent posts before they vanished into the ether:

“Your making things up again”[sic]
“condescending, arrogant and bigoted to everyone”
“If you knew what you were talking about”
Of course it usually ends up with the really nasty stuff being removed.
Ask yourself whose that most frequently is.

[SIZE=“4”]Hurrah for a voice of reason![/SIZE]


Sadly to the unreasonable ones (as I see you’ve already discovered from the response you got) any attempt at being reasonable and pointing out a few facts soon descends into farce and then insult.

Quite so but as I say, beware of telling the truth because from my own experience such actions soon descend into accrimony.

Maybe it’s better to leave those foolish enough to make visible their blind hatred alone to their misery because it obviously hurts them to see the popularity of Boris and the Government rising and our country doing well in the face of their pointless objections.

On the time scale of Brexit Percy you discount the 3yrs of MAY as not being Brexit? Where as those 3 yrs were the start of our problem?
Imo when Boris took over from her he merely changed her strategy
to overturn brexit from the word go, to a strategy to overturn
brexit by pretending to go all out for a proper brexit at the beginning
of negotiations and then at the last minute reverse everything when
he believed it would be too late to rectify things??
For these reasons Brexit has taken from 2,016 to now 2021 which
means we are now in to our fifth year and still counting! Most of this time as you say due to Tory and parliament itself infighting?
This Tory infighting continues to this day despite what they say !!
The remainers are determined to get their way and if they can’t
actually overturn brexit the will settle for a really soft brexit?
That’s my view Percy, and it’s born out by the actual events !!


I voted for Boris Johnson.

Stop making things up. My objections aren’t pointless either you just think everything great because you don’t know any better.

BLIND HATRED !! where did that come from??
I am on record as saying l quite like Boris, but l just don’t trust him !!
And it turns out l was correct in that??


***** [B]This thread is now closed.

I am fed up with you ignoring moderator warnings about continual personal bickering. I have better things to do in my life than continuenly checking all your posts every day which are ruining the forum.[/B]