The first 25 Years and then what …you signed your life away, for all time…
25 years was the apprenticeship period…then the real ‘‘he shall obey’’ comes into force…love and honour, that is gone right out of the window, of course…
The first 25 Years and then what …you signed your life away, for all time…
25 years was the apprenticeship period…then the real ‘‘he shall obey’’ comes into force…love and honour, that is gone right out of the window, of course…
If a Man is clever enough, he will always make sure that there is “something Wrong” with himself.
We like to have a, fairly trivial, “wrong” as being always right gets us into trouble.
So, we wear odd socks, scruffy clothes, undone laces, etc., to get it out of the way and prevent bigger complaints later on.
Men can be “misunderstood” if they get the words right. It’s safer to be misunderstood than to be “always right” or “always wrong”.
We know we can’t win arguments, our voices are not loud and piercing enough.
Also because our “rations” might get cut.
Luckily, if all they can moan about is that we don’t put the socks away, the battle is won!
Well played Men!
Well duh! Of course not. I just didn’t do his laundry any more. I showed him how to do his own. Sign my life away. Not a chance!
Nope! I don’t enforce anything. My man is free to go fishing when he wants, go in his workshop whenever he wishes or visit his friends whenever he’d like. He even gets to use the remote control.
I try very much not to hen pick or nag as I wouldn’t like that either. I’ve not actually trained him to do anything. He’s got free will.
What l find odd about men is, they can never find what they are looking for eg. an item of clothing in a cupboard… yet it’s right under their nose!
Then there’s their ‘wing span’. Why do men (usually the retired ones!) always stand in the kitchen with their arms out wide with their hands resting on their hips?
They become like a wide statue, they don’t budge when you try to pass them and their wing span takes up half the kitchen!!
Its because they are on the verge of toppling over and trying to pretend they don’t need to grab the worktop for support.
Wow Bratti…still on Venus I guess …
Us gals can help with the mentality side for you, my poor innocent gal…just leaves me… and sometimes best if I…
no Case …dismissed
Kitchen? Where’s the kitchen
You know… that place where women slave over a hot stove! Ha!
Oh that’s where she goes I did wonder
Artangel, every evening Mr. Bossy Boots is standing around in the Kitchen …yes gets in the way, even risks moving across into my pathways…I really do not understand why a Man seems incapable of just… …doing something of use…no good just standing there dribbling at the meal about to be ‘plated’…
I rest my Case…
Now come on ladies , I know they aren’t great but they are quite useful sometimes.
Of course I am not saying this to defend them, I am just pointing out that those of us, who are the superior gender, would have sent them back to Mars on a one way ticket if they were really as bad as we say.
Let’s keep them and just remind them often that they are the inferior gender… in case they forget!
Lets make a list then Twinks…
Good Points enter in here…
Can even choose a favorite colour, to brighten it all up a tad…
Bad Points and Faults stored here,
Tis ok Girls…Safety Locks and Combination Proofed…
Dianne is the bad faults container emptied every day? Otherwise it may not be big enough!
Would need two of those for me
I would use my shield to escape no problem
Sometimes it is necessary to have another one as a back up…In Fact I have just Ordered two…
There could be just the odd Day that the change over is delayed…Being a Male Lorry Transporter the Guy is bound to get his round mixed up…there lies the problem…Again…Male Origin Species…
See now Girls… if you look at this very recent Study it shows some of the Facts…
All escapees will be captured by the lady pillow squad , who have never failed to sort out the men on OFF, but as this site is more advanced we have had to make the punishments harsher!
No. I’m in heaven. He does his own laundry and doesn’t leave it hanging around. I don’t have to nag him. Catches lots of fish , retreats to his workshop whenever he thinks I need it.
I’m good thanks. lol
Bratti Stop this…help is at hand for the brainwashed femme’s of OFF
The Pattern takes the form of Praising then believing his kindness …We have had Past Victims, Bratti, keep calm, take deep breaths, every time you feel your Man is overpowering you with this curse…ok…hugs.
We shall find you a solution…