Men is there Something Wrong with Them

fair on washing up…but Muddy is talking,rent a wreck aftermath. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


Ok, not to self

ask the ONE if there’s a tornado in the kitchen when he’s cooking up a storm

Nice tips ladies!


Nah nah ya haven’t read the book proper - men are from mars - where there may be a possibility of life whereas women are from venus just one hell hole of a place to live “” Venus currently has a surface temperature of 840 degrees F (450 degrees C) – the temperature of an oven’s self-cleaning cycle – and an atmosphere dominated by carbon dioxide (96%) with a density 90 times that of Earth’s.""

I rest my case - no I don’t - men do not like disturbing things too much - they put a tool down and leave it for later no need to put it back in the box - women classify this as untidy - of course not it’s that venus thingy again - it will come in handy soon and I know exactly where I put it - I live alone at the moment - no sorry ladies no lodgers required atm. - I do not like a totally messy environment but untidy I can handle - my kinda untidy. Sometimes well meaning lady friends come around and the first thing they say and do " well I might just run a duster around here and help you out a bit" - I don’t mind of course - saves me doin it sometime - I understand women doing tidy - believe me I do seen it long enough - but training me to be more tidy - NO don’t get that one - I call that henpecked from venus - I will know back out of the room quietly whilst watching the broom very carefully which is attached to some lady’s hand!

and by the way when i man calls you a lady - he is complimenting you not insulting you - heh woman would be an insult! hhmm hmm - yes I’m going I’m going


To be perfectly honest, I can’t remember ever having encountered such a problem
Marge always puts my things away in my drawers.

Now don’t for one minute think that I’m not capable of doing those sorts of things. God knows, it would only have been three or four days ago when I ironed a couple of Marge’s things for her.
I have to say, though, that it wasn’t easy. For some unknown reason, designers of women’s clothes seem to make them particularly difficult to iron. Either they’re far too floppy to remain flat on the ironing board or they are such unusually difficult shapes to lay straight.

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Nothing wrong with me. I clean up after myself. Don’t know about “men”.

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Mine wasn’t & aren’t like that Dianne, my late OH even ironed his own shirts, I hated ironing. Son does his own washing & puts it away too. So not all men are like that. OH even cooked & Son can too.

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well that’s one reason you have been chosen for the team - to learn something about Mars and its inhabitants! - welcome oh Venus doll!

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Have I been chosen? Would be new to me. Don’t care about planets and stuff, just don’t feel comfy in a messy environment.


For the first 25 years I did all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, gardening, and yard work.
Then I stopped doing his laundry; stopped doing all his cooking.

The other day he was hanging his clothes on the line, thrilled that they smell so nice and now cooks a killer cedar plank salmon with dill dressing.

They ‘can’ be trained. :innocent:
No disrespect intended.


Sorry I’m a neat freak to the point of almost OCD.


Ohh, I knew there were a few of you left!:hugs:


For the first 25 years I did all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, gardening, and yard work.

twenty five years!I think most of us chaps would be happy with that.

I’m very neat and tidy myself but not bothered if others are not.As long they don’t expect me to tidy it up.


Gumbud, isn’t that why you men always see women as HOT! :rofl:


Di, We need the tools and gadgets, you never know when we may need them. I have loads of these (maybe haven’t used them all but at any moment I may have to) so I’m prepared for anything. :partying_face:


Women can’t be from Venus
They’d never find their way here and wouldn’t be able to park if they did​:flying_saucer::alien::alien:


Well used to doing my own laundry and basic cooking.
Having moved from my home in Portsmouth to Bath on completion of a MoD apprenticeship I had to fend for my self.
If I try to help in that department, apparently I’m doing it all wrong. So I stay out of it now.
Do my share of the cleaning though.
But @DianneWoollie is right there is some thing wrong with us men (or is it all a cunning plan to make you think there is) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


never looked at it like that twink? - poisonous gases too - yes I have heard a lot of poisonous gassing about over the years

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The problem is you ladies, not us men.

We can do everything, all we need is unlimited sex.

We understand that ladies sex drive diminishes as they get older, so we will settle for 5 or 6 times a day.


[quote=“gumbud, post:23, topic:84510, full:true”]

Nah nah ya haven’t read the book proper - men are from mars - where there may be a possibility of life whereas women are from venus just one hell hole of a place to live “” Venus currently has a surface temperature of 840 degrees F (450 degrees C) – the temperature of an oven’s self-cleaning cycle – and an atmosphere dominated by carbon dioxide (96%) with a density 90 times that of Earth’s.""

I rest my case - no I don’t - men do not like disturbing things too much - they put a tool down and leave it for later no need to put it back in the box - women classify this as untidy - of course not it’s that venus thingy again - it will come in handy soon and I know exactly where I put it - I live alone at the moment - no sorry ladies no lodgers required atm. - I do not like a totally messy environment but untidy I can handle - my kinda untidy. Sometimes well meaning lady friends come around and the first thing they say and do " well I might just run a duster around here and help you out a bit" - I don’t mind of course - saves me doin it sometime - I understand women doing tidy - believe me I do seen it long enough - but training me to be more tidy - NO don’t get that one - I call that henpecked from venus - I will know back out of the room quietly whilst watching the broom very carefully which is attached to some lady’s hand!

and by the way when i man calls you a lady - he is complimenting you not insulting you - heh woman would be an insult! hhmm hmm - yes I’m going I’m going

We live in an equal world me ole cobber…Venus no more…NO MORE… :unamused:

In a world like yours gumbud…I mean if you choose to be as you are then ok it is a free world…but take note me old cobber…Mars is a big place and has room for all us Shiela’s

I rest my Case… :innocent:

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