Memory Loss, Oh Brave New World

Well, we’ve been here a week now. Ups and downs, downs and ups.

Don’t know about you, but I’ve pretty much forgotten about the old place. Have popped in there a few times this week to see who might be floating around and also to have a look for some stuff (eg stats) due to my lack of full understanding of how to dig things out on here (yet).

But the old country seems to have faded into the dim and distant past over such a short period. Can barely remember it now.

Your thoughts?

PS - thread title was going to be shorter, but was forced under duress to make it longer!!!

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Same Dex
What was the other place like even?


Like a blast from the past. You and I are perhaps more used to forgetting long valued relationships and emotions due to our job than others. The King is dead, long live the king, etc.

But even so!!

Anyway, for posterity:

How did we cope?

I was just thinking a few minutes before you posted this that I am already feeling comfortable around here and I am a person who hates change but these changes are so much for the better, for the ones still feeling nervous around here, hang in there you will get to grips with it x

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The same for me Dextrous 63, it did seem strange when I went back to copy some items. Sad though in some ways, most of us had spent a lot of hours on there over time.

Yes, sad is about the right word. A bit like selling an old car or your home, both have a lot of memories but we have to move on and I reckon most of us have done that. Also it seems that most are finding their way round better.

It’s just a shame that some members could not come to terms with finding out about the new forum, they seem to have left. So did Dextrous63 but look at you now, posting here there and everywhere, even starting new threads and posting reminder pics of OFF and how it looked.

There’s no real comparison between OFF and OFC really is there! :grinning:

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Sad about other members. Am hopeful about Longdogs - give him time.

Maybe some of the current “lost” uns are like me - bit slow to accept change, but when they do, they go hell for leather!! Just a matter of time @Baz46

Suspect that some issues relate to tablet and ipad users struggling a bit.

I hope doggy does find his way, perhaps I should get him a lead and drag him here. I hope everyone comes eventually!!

Aye … I remember it well.

I felt more comfortable there than here. Still … time will tell.

I can only imagine what Voyager feels like… progress

He messaged me yesterday. Think there’s still hope yet!

Brilliant news! Tell him the Queen is in waiting for the dog :upside_down_face:

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It’s time related Morty. Am going through an extremely high attendance/prolificity stage and am currently immersed. Hence increasingly second nature and developing muscle memory.

Deffo need to make a break soon, for mental health reasons!!!

You always remember your first…forum

Remembered with fondness, :love_you_gesture:

never forgotten


But change and growth brings new life :love_letter: (and emoji’s! :laughing: )

Amen :joy:

You’re fired!

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P45 sent, recorded delivery.

Oh ye of little faith…

scurries off, giggling

A darn site easier !

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This is the fourth forum I’ve been on, not allowed to mention names but the first two did not close in very nice circumstances. OFF it seems, from what Azz mentioned about possible real problems in the future, had to undergo the change it has done or we might have been without a forum at all. OFC is the fourth one for me, so far it has been OK, in fact more brilliant by the day! Just the odd confusion initially, not my age by the way, but just a new way of finding out what works and how. Give it a couple more weeks and we will all be on here as though we’ve never been anywhere else in the past! :grinning:

Thanks Azz, you’ve put a lot into all this and I am sure it’s really appreciated by all members!