Me and eggs

And then there’s the eggspiry date to worry about. :shock:

That is why I suggested hard boiling the eggs, an eggserlant way of preserving them.:cool:

Spare eggs … hmm … let me think -

Toad in the hole
Poached egg
Coddled egg
Gypsy Toast - with bacon
Baked egg with cheese
Croque Monsieur
Huevos Rancheros
Chicken Foo Young
Cheese scones

Oh heck - I am hungry now - heading for the kitchen!!

egg benedict

egg florentine

egg nog


Thank you all for your eggceedingly eggstraordinary egg jokes. :smiley:

I made Gypsy toast once but some b*****d nicked it. :-p

Only a man from Yorkshire would be tight enough to fret over one spare egg a week.

Longy, It’s funny you should say that as the two laying hens lay different sized eggs. One lays a large egg, the other lays a medium egg.
Although, l got the two together from the man l always get them from, one of the hens has grown slightly bigger than the other.

Has anyone mentioned using the spare eggs for batter to make pancakes or Toad in the Hole?
You can freeze the batter mixture too.

It’s not a question of money, it is one of symmetry. :018:

Getting an egg with double yolks must lay you up for weeks.

That’s never happened, touch wood.

Davey, That was really funny! :lol:

I can imagine Harbal going into meltdown at the discovery of a double yolker!

About a month ago I remembered that I needed some eggs whilst shopping, so I picked up half a dozen extra large, free range eggs.
I was amazed to find that every one of them had double yolks!:surprised:


It’s good to know they know their roles (or is it rolls?) :-p

Do you suppose he has egg nightmares ?

I’ve done that as well & a chicken farm actually sell double yolk eggs, those are huge. I have bought them.


The Dirty Dozen. :-p

Normally I buy “Eggs for Blokes”, fair guarantee they will all be double yokers. However after chicken problem production, perhaps it was bringing tears to chicken’s eyes, I now have to buy a mixed size egg selection box.

When my parents had a croft back in the 50’s my mother cared the hens and she sold the eggs to a grocery van that came every Friday. The eggs paid for the week’s groceries. The large double yolk eggs were kept for our own use as they were classed as seconds. Reason was they were too long to fit in the egg containers without getting broken. The large eggs you buy in shops are unlikely to be double yokers.