Massive europe this global cooling?

There’s one on the way to Tesco too elephant made of pipes camberley - Google Suche :mrgreen:

That’s far too warm Bruce, and you can’t even blame it on Brexit. :lol:

I guess Prophet Steve is right, two sightings of Woolly Mammoths already

It’s an elephant with a woolly cardie on cos it’s seen the latest weather outlook.

Elephants that can read weather reports? I can’t get my head around how much the internetwebby thing has opened up knowledge to all.

Nice going all you European people…
All that talk of snow in France made it move west…

I will have 20" of it in my back yard by tomorrow morning.

I’m still talking of the snow, ya know.:-p

It’s still not snowing here…I have yet to see/read about the massive influx of refugees from Europe…yet another conspiracy theory going tits up :lol:

What has happened to the OP? A flurry of posts in the middle of the month then nothing?

Assuming it doesn’t snow then January is well on track for creating a number of NSW weather records as the hottest month since records began.

What has been worse is the humidity according to my BOM app it is 30.7° now 10.30am but it feels like 34° because it is 62% humidity. Normally our humidity is about or below 20%.

Meanwhile up north is a cyclone or two (maybe)

It’s all go…

He’s gone back to being Solasch.

I don’t think it sounded like Solasch the OP was more of a rival for the tin foil crown I thought (perhaps the competition was too great?).



It’s still not snowing here, neither have I seen a mass exodus of people from Europe landing up outside my gaff, where is the prophet?

Probably on holiday getting a tan. :frowning:

And it’s still not bloody Snowing…bring back the Prophet