Manage Your Gas & Electricity Price Increases?

Indeed … and some consumers will, presumably, have even larger bills than I am expecting … :scream:

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Sadly yes, especially those with families. So many are already struggling as it is without the increase. One woman in the news said she makes the kids go to bed after teatime so they stay warm without having to heat the house up. :frowning_face:

A friend told me shes bought an electric throw to snuggle with instead of turning heating on . She said its really warm and uses 2pence an hour. It’s a thought


Thats what we use , heating is on for a hour or two to occasionally keep the house dry ,its not been on today but yesterday when it was cold and damp we had it on…

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I have one of those Susan! Its great and I would recommend it. You can set different temps, and different timings, and it also can be washed in the washing machine! Here’s the one I have…

Heated Blanket

I set mine to No.5 heat setting, for an hour and that’s quite warm enough for me.

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We have our gas central heating on in the morning for about half an hour and the same in the afternoon, but we have a gas fire that’s on during the day and turn it off when we go to bed.

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Pixie thankyou I’ll keep that in mind .


A way to cut the costs?

I noticed, on the golf course, that there are lots & lots of tree trunks & Branches, following the gales a week or so ago.

I wish I had a wood burning fireplace.

If you have such a fireplace you might well be able to go and collect lots of free logs, if there’ a Golf Course, or a lot of tree, anywhere nearby!


Received mine this morning, Tedc.
Gas increased by £501 per annum
Electricity increased by £236 per annum
Council tax increased by £300 per annum

Total increase of £1037 per annum.

State pension is set to rise by approximately £312 per annum - but - anyone with a works pension will lose a substantial part of that in tax.

Meanwhile our useless MPs have fat salaries, expenses claims, hardly even bother going in to work, and are happy to hand out money for projects like high speed trains that no-one wants and benefits for more and more immigrants - legal or otherwise!

What a world!


Not to mention the Gas & Elec “Standing Charge” which you still pay even if you turn your Gas & Elec right off!

Still, I’m looking at what I use more than I’ve ever done before!

:eyes: :eyes: :eyes:


As I have said before renewable energy makes power prices cheaper, I can’t understand why your prices keep rising as ours decline. Too much reliance on nuclear?


Too little self-sufficiency and too many worthless greedy politicians!


We were with a small company that went bust so we have to pay more to start off with and the next increases.
We should have more renuable energy with wind turbines.


I apologise if this has been mentioned before, but there might be some who would like to know which devices, in the House, cost enough more to run that it’s worth doing something about it?

Your PC?

Your Boiler?

Your TV?

What comparisons are there?

Try this:-

How Much Energy Do My Appliances Use? INFOGRAPHIC (

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what a gr8 idea. I might have a look around the house at as many appliances as possible and look at how much electricity they use and then set something up on my laptop (when it comes back from the repaired, long story but basically screen +coffee don’t mix) or maybe there’s even an app?

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I’ve just received my electricity and gas bills…
I don’t understand what all the fuss is about…
I have just payed less for my gas than I did at this time last year, and my electricity use was a fiver more than last year…Pheeeeeeeeew!

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Who are you with OGF?

@ Bruce, the reason our costs go up Brucy, is that we have far more
share holders to feed !! And of course, no sun shine ??

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My supplier, who was very cheap, went bust.

I was transferred to Octopus and my Bills have shot up.

I am already paying £130 a Month more, another increase in April and another in October.

It is very annoying.


British Gas dual fuel Ted. After reading all the hype about fuel price rises I wasn’t looking forward to my quarterly winter bills. So It was such a relief when I received the bills…
:mini: :mini: :mini:

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