Males versus Females, Odd things they Do or Say

Hasbeen just came back from Shopping…
…List always and he says if it’s not on the List I don’t buy it!

We decided on a Salad for this evenings meal…simple
I have Lettuce Cucumber Tomatoes Beetroot Onions Cheese Ham Yamon and usually make a pastry of some kind…cheese and onion a favorite…cornish pastie…sausage surprise…chicken breasts flavoured with herbs and some spices…

Observation as I assisted with the unloading and placing articles in the various ‘homes’
Where is the Cucumber?
Why have you bought just the one Courgette?

Oh… he says well I am not going back again…slightly flushed…
A very easy thing to do you might say but when I tell you some more oddities you will really Wonder how one gets in such a weird mode…

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We get our groceries from our door. Much simpler.


Why do women keep telling men what to do knowing full well us men have learned to ignore?

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Yes it can be for sure ,but here in Rural France it is also a meet up venue!..trollies abandoned and people in deep discussions…
…When the shop assistants are picking your order and they decide to replace a lot of items that are out of stock with odd non related items…then it is a right pain…


Ever watch a women get ready for bed??? what a performance, first wig removal- comlete makup remove - hair brushing- changing into sleeping clothes. Us men straight on top of the bed and a good fart


I never boss my beloved he knows what he is doing…haha…I get bossed because he is a Leo and they are renown for being naturally Bossy…I mostly ignore the ‘‘rules’’ and do it my way…

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Yay, the thread is back. :slightly_smiling_face: You’ve got me wanting a salad tomorrow, lol. I’ll get to a supermarket after my gym session and shop for ingredients, but I really prefer getting stuff from a proper fruit and veg shop. They’ve all died out in my area though, years ago.

When I was married my wife never seemed to like salads and rarely if ever made any, yet she was always on a diet. It was down to me when it was my turn to do a meal. She always used to be on some crazy diet or other that never worked. Anything her friends tried, she’d try too. The worst one ever was the Brussel Sprout diet, I kid you not! If she couldn’t get fresh or frozen she’d buy tinned ones!! The horror, the horror. Weirdly, when I lost a ton of weight on the 5:2 diet she saw how much I’d lost, so she KNEW it worked, but that was one she never tried. I thought that was very odd, given she was always saying she wanted to lose weight!


Well here’s a topic and a half, I shall tread warily :wink:
Something I have noticed, in bus queues the blokes almost always have their fare ready before getting on the bus to pay the driver. The ladies however seem to leave it to the very last minute to have a good old rummage in their bags to find their purses. Then another rummage in the purse to actually find the correct fare, most frustrating for all concerned.
This is merely an observation on my part, no more no less :innocent:


I have 3 wardrobes…problem Solved!
in Truth Tachyon I have Hashimoto’s Disease and so my weight varies with the amount of Thyroxine levels…its an immune system attack, and it’s not always nice either but you have to learn to live with some things …I refused surgery and turns out it was the best decision I ever made…When the consultant said he would cut open by throat I thought now is the time to show off my running skills.
Bat out of Hell I was out of that place…

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When looking for something why do men just stand in the middle of the room, glance around and say they can’t find it! If they say they are going to do something, why don’t they just do it and not have to be reminded half a dozen times!

Actually Chilliboot when using the bus I always have my bus pass in my hand before getting on board so there :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Well, I stand corrected :smile: :+1:


That’s OK - we all know men are lower on the evolutionary scale than women so we expect you to make mistakes :grinning:


Steady on Sheila!! :rofl: :+1:


My mother has been on Thyroxine for decades now for her Thyroidism, but it has somehow not been the Thyroidism she has been ‘used to’ of late. I looked up Hashimoto’s Disease to learn something and see what you have had to endure, and her symptoms lately have covered both ends of the Hashimoto spectrum. She’s had her dosage of Thyroxine changed so many times in the last 3 or 4 years to try to fix her current problems and at times tests have shown her to overactive sometimes and underactive other times. I have passed on a link to Johns Hopkins, where they have an article explaining Hashimoto’s.

She paid privately for a Parathyroid operation a few years ago that involved throat surgery to remove a growth on one of the Parathyroid glands, and while it seemed to fix things for a while, her troubles returned slowly.

I can empathise with you and your problem having seen what my mother has gone through. You don’t sound like the type to be beaten though, just like her! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing that information. I really, really appreciate it!

Funny you should mention clothes, as even though I started losing weight about 9 or 10 years ago, I have hung on to some of the clothes I was weariing when I was a few stone heavier than I am now “just in case” I put weight back on. They’re still in drawers somewhere and have been for several years, lol.

I’m pleased your thread has returned by the way. I hope it thrives. :slightly_smiling_face:


I print a list of everything we buy from the supermarket, and in the correct order.
All Mrs Fox has to do, is scribble out the unwanted items and on arrival at the shop, I’m like a ‘heat seeking missile’ and I love it…
Mr Woollie is absolutely right, if it’s not on the list I don’t buy it!
Mrs Fox has just one job…and doesn’t always get it right… :009:
Why can’t women be as logical as us blokes?


Mrs Spitty, when she wants a job doing always starts the sentence with “I might get you to…” :grin:


Mrs Fox always starts with…“When you’ve got a minute” and I reply with…“I’ve had three heart attacks you know”… :018:
And then I disappear into the rising sun on my bike for a 15 miler… :man_biking:


Oh you do like living dangerously don’t you Foxy!


What’s the proverb?

emphasised textWomen can live without men, but men can’t live without women. *


How many of you men ask your other halves to carry something for you in their handbags, when you go out together?


Yes always his mobile in ‘my handbag’ his wallet yes but no complaints there!
…Anything else he has that he needs that does not fit in a pocket…a little pocket that is!