Looking For A Job At My Age After Long Absence

Yes, I know it well. And some of project works were not all the best. Same with Vancouver.

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I started working again at 56, after a long break. :grinning:

P. S. Hi to everyone, I’m new


Hiya Rose2,
Welcome to the workforce…no clocking off allowed! :wink: :+1:


Hi Rose2 :slightly_smiling_face:

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Welcome to the forum Rose2… :+1:


Thank you all, a pleasure to meet you.

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Hello Rose2 :slightly_smiling_face:…. a warm welcome to the forum…


Hello Rose2 and Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:



Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you, too🙂

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Welcome Rose2


Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi Didi, checking in, how are you doing? Job searches were usually stressful

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Hi Didi

So I work as a back to work advisor in the UK, now the Uk is obs different from Canada but a few things will be transferable.

1 most jobs you apply for online will be first sifted by an AI called an applicant tracking system. this will parse your CV looking for specific details and words and skills that the employer is interested in. IF your CV cant be parsed it will be rejected. Here are some links to some guides.

I dont know if in Canada you would use a one page Resume format as they do in the states or a 2 page CV as they do in the UK. but getting threw an ATS applies to both.

Try using Google they have a competitor app to indeed. hear is a link to the Montreal Canada page. jobs in montreal - Google Suche
the search can be customised but somwtimes ppl cant find the actual job site.

Feel free to PM a CV ( you can redact your personal details) if you want me to give it a once over.

Good luck.



Hi, so I noticed your first name is: Diane well so is mine. I am doing ok; thanks for asking. How are you doing ?? Yes, job searches are stressful but, I am taking it one day at a time.

Hi RichGB,

Thanks for the info. and for wishing me good luck. I am currently a member with a job placement service that will help and guide me to hopefully finding my next job; and that I also hope will be the last one.

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Hi Didi,

Diane, is a middle name given to me unofficially. I need to take care of 3 things this next month and it’ll be back to a search for myself too. Please feel free to reach out whenever. I like your response with RichGB and being a member. I have to read backwards on member of what but betting it’ll help on the job search. Here’s to finding something. We have two things known in common :). Here’s to the searches be successful, and we can go back to just name common :smiley:

There were some really good ideas for being own boss in this thread. If anyone has a good at night thing to start, please post!!!

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:angry: :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Hi Everybody; so yesterday I found out that this organization that I have been dealing with since early April (three months ago) is no longer helping me in my job search due to budget cuts by the (Quebec Government).

They did refer me to another one (Services Quebec) which I was planning on contacting anyway but, thought I would try the other one first; and all was good until they told me yesterday that they can’t help me anymore so, now I have to contact the other one; what a waste of those three months in a sense; hopefully when I contact the other one, that it will go smoothly because I need help since I have been unemployed for so long (since the end of January 2012); found a job in (2014) but only did 1 month.

Please, keep your fingers crossed for me :crossed_fingers: I will keep you all posted.

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Hi Everybody; so yesterday I went to this other organization, met with a woman who’s an Employment Specialist; we talked for about an hour and it went well.

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Hi Didi, I know we talked a bit back. What fields are you looking at? I am off and trying to possible find part time work to supplement next two years pull.

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