Live from Rehabs Shed

Uhhhh.? No! But luvverly poemxx:lol:

Thank you Rehab.
The things I do for you! :smiley:

I went inside our shed
And found a bee, stone dead
What a shame it had to die
Never more to buzz and fly

No more making honey
That ends up in a tummy
Or flying around some ears
Having fun with human fears

Gone from the nest for hours
After visiting the flowers
It must have caused a buzz
Like missing family does

Lots of words in ‘bee’ were said
But I bet no ‘bzzzz’ ever lead
To the fact the bee just flew inside
Our shed and simply went and died.

Lovely poem.:lol:
There is a poetry thread.

See what you have started? Everyone has gone into their sheds and started spouting poetry, going all arty farty…sheds are for pottering and doing STUFF…ok? :lol:

Very nice…I have spiders in my shed…big spiders…:!: they have tracks not legs…can you do a rhyming spell that will get rid of them?

Faffing Rehab - Get it right!
Men faff around in sheds, it’s a known fact:mrgreen:

Can you provide a link to your ‘facts’ or did you just make that up ?

Where is that thing I’m searching for?
Is it on a shelf or on the floor?
It’s sort of a plasticky metal thing
With round square holes made of tin
I saw it just the other day
Bugger! I think I threw it away.

Here is the Annual meeting of Shed faffers:mrgreen:

There really is a men’s shed group round here. It looks quite good and you get tea and biscuits.

I just knew it!!!
Are YOU a member Longlegs?

Not yet, I think I have more tools than they do.

WELL! I bet you do:-D

Yes …but this one was shed specific. :slight_smile:

Ooh, are in the South like me.

Yes, born in the next county along towards the middle and haven’t gone far. Just one more ditty to do with sheds before leaving off.

Why do they all think I’m scary
Because my legs are too long?
Or is it because I’m quite hairy?
Now how can that be so wrong!

I’d love to run round and play
Yet I’m forced to be a good hider
I just lurk in the shed all day
Well such is the life of a spider.

Love it:lol:
I remember Jem telling me he used a paint brush bristle to replace a spiders lost leg - Made me laugh!:lol:

Ok Rehab, so bring me up to date.
What is your next experiment and when is it likely to be?

Have you got a telescope in your shed?
I waved frantically at you as I went by earlier, but you ignored me.

Was that you? I thought it was the looney lady from 46…
I even got out the camp bed and waited for you .I was lying seductively on my Girls Aloud Duvet, I even sprayed the shed with one of those toilet fragrance sprays, splashed a bit of Old Spice under the 'pits, put some seductive music (Val Doonican) on the gramophone and waited… bloody nothing…:!: