Listen to the earth

Oh such cheerfulness, Vlad!

Yes, I get like that when I read utter bollox :laughing: :smiley: :smiley:

The fact that you express your disdain for it in that way, shows that you wouldn’t be able to appreciate the subject anyway.

@Besoeker3. Some low frequency noises can actually be FELT as you probably know Besoeker?
So even if you are deaf, you can sense something is happening !!

Donkeyman! :thinking::thinking:

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@PixieKnuckles …The fact that you express your disdain for it in that way, shows that you wouldn’t be able to appreciate the subject anyway.

Yep you are right…I am like that when people post pseudo science nonsense if they were pissed or on wacky bakky then I could understand the ravings of the loons who hear the planet playing music for them.

Yes. Use the oscilloscope or other devices.

Evelyn Glennie is both deaf & a professional musician. It is not only low notes that can be felt.


Yes, she is very talented despite her deafness.
I also saw a video where a doctor put a stethescope on a tree to listen to its “music”. Apparently trees are very busy and noisy (according to him). I would like to try that…without getting carted off, mind you! :smiley:


Been there, done that, and it does work!

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Oooh I actually sent off for one from Amazon after I saw the video. I just need to find a few trees in some quiet space where nobody thinks I’m totally nuts! :deciduous_tree: :stethoscope:

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In the late 1960s or the early 1970s I was on a training course at a place called Leafield in (I think) Oxfordshire. The place was owned by the GPO at the time and one of it’s functions was to transmit to British submarines all over the world.

The aerial was suspended between many tall masks and was very long (I mean L O N G) because it transmitted at a frequency which was within the audio range - from memory it was about 19khz so it had a wave length of about 15 km (again from memory - can’t be bothered to work it out).

At the time I owned a Morris Minor van which started to buzz as I drove near the station which was situated in the middle of this parabolic aerial array. By the time I was inside the station compound it sounded like morse code or those sounds that the old modems used to make when connecting over a telephone line.

Any piece of corrugated iron or sheet metal in the area did the same thing and buzzed, no radios worked in the building. I doubt it exists now because satellites will have taken over that role.

Anyway that is Very Low Frequency for you, I suspect the computers and sensors in a modern car would stop working in such a situation.

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well we are trying to listen to it in some way - we monitor the sesmic waves is it? and try to predict the occurence of volcanic eruptions and sunami catastrophies. But I do think we need to listen to it more careful and more often and more globally - we are after all sitting on a ball of molten liquid?

Nature is sentient.

Humans are at the bottom, not unexpectedly.

The reason why Humans are insignificant is because we don’t belong here, and we didn’t originate here. We are like no other animal on earth even though we try hard to identify with them.

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…and yet genetics says otherwise but I would be fascinated to hear where you surmise humans did come from.


If we focus on connection, we will find the right track and clean up the mess we have created. If we keep demanding for ourselves and shun nature’s disposition toward harmony and merger, our escalating conflict with nature will inflict on us worsening adversities. We may be smart, but we are very unwise. If we truly want to do good for us, we must first learn what we know, what we don’t know, and how we can learn what we must do to help ourselves. If we listen to nature’s intelligent mechanism, go along with its trajectory toward increasing cohesion, life will be much easier and simpler than the havoc we have wreaked upon ourselves.

I don’t know where we are from Bruce, but it certainly isn’t here…
If like Darwin suggests (and really, it was only a theory that Darwin suggested until something more plausible came along) and we evolved from apes…Why are there still Apes? Why have they stood still and not evolved into the superior beings that humans are?

There is no such thing as nature…Just natural progression of growing things and weather (or climate if you prefer) Nature has no favourites and will smite you down if you are careless.
Take the sun for example…It provides warmth to make us humans survive in what would otherwise be a cold and barren place. It is responsible for every living thing on this planet, and it is totally responsible for the climate. Get too much and it will kill you. Mother nature is just the same…It will go on, and with the help of the sun, produce it’s cycles of growing, feeding and destroying to make way for new…With or without us. The only thing that cares about you, is you and your parents, if you’re lucky.

Yes, very noticeable sometimes. We did a project in a steel mill, an arc furnace. If I recall it was about 40,000 MW. The vibration at very low frequencies you could feel rather than hear.

That is because you don’t understand evolution, science has moved on a bit since Darwin died 140 years ago. We are not descended from apes merely apes and humans have a common ancestor. Apes have not evolved because there was no need to, there are many evolutionary dead ends and evolution doesn’t go backwards.

Genetics has clarified evolution a lot and also shown its worth. Abiogenesis is a whole different subject.