The symbol that you hear the cowboys refer to as the lazy S brand on cattle. Is a sine wave & keeping things simple, in elctromagnetic terms really long ones start down in the hertz with sound, travel up through the long, medium & short wave broadcast bands up into VHF & UHF (Very & Ultra High Frequencies.) Which cover the kilohertz & megahertz & then up into the microwaves or gigaherz. The lazy S at sound is many kilometres long & at 7.83 khz, the length of the wavelength is exactly that of the earth’s circumference. This is the Schumann resonance & it is created by the 50 lightning strikes per second that hit’s the earth. At the other end of the spectrum we have light, a microwave, a wavelength of nano meters.
It is possible to listen to the earths music & Nasa has recordings of sferics, tweeks & whistlers available, plus simple non scientific explanations available.
The sounds of the earth are on VLF, Very Low Frequency. Due to it’s wavelength, effective antennas are very difficult to build, so the only human use of the spectrum is by Submarines, who operate there as it is the only radio spectrum that penetrate water.
vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.
The voice of the earth is electro magnetic.
Edited to add. Also the term “Earth Song.” Is NASA’s & I would suspect more a descriptive term to help people understand what they may hear. Than, a grammatically perfect term.
The sounds of the earth are amazing & all around us. Yet we never hear them without a radio reciver.